Ä Area: [FIDO] PSION echo ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 8486 Date: 20 Feb 95 19:27 From: Faye Pearson Read: Yes Replied: No To: Paul Hargreaves Mark: Subj: SND: guide PT1/2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Quoting William Legge to Paul Hargreaves on SND: device (among others) This is part 1/2 of my SND: device lecture WL> How do you do multiple tones? I want to do them aswell! WL> I can only get it to do 700Hz then 1100Hz for example, not WL> both together! Aha, try this extract from the Psionics DEVICES file written by Clive Feather (clive@sco.com) and downloaded from src.doc.ic.ac.uk: In order to use them successfully you have to be confident about asynchronous device calls on the 3a i.e. IOA/IOC... -!-> See 3a programming manual pages 128-137, 94 <-!- ***** The sound device has the name "SND:". There are no channel names. Function: 1 (sound channel 1) Function: 2 (sound channel 2) Argument 1: note information Argument 2: word holding number of notes This function is supported by the HC, MC, and Series 3a only. This plays a sequence of notes on the specified sound channel. The note information is an array of words, two per note; the first is the frequency of the note (in Hz), and the second the duration in beats (see function 7). The sound will not start until both these functions have been called (thus ensuring the sound is synchronized on both channels). The function completes when the specified channel finishes playing, even if the other has not. Function: 7 Argument 1: 2 byte information block Argument 2: unused The characteristics of the sound system are set according to the block: Offset 0 (byte): beats per minute (2 to 240, default 120) Offset 1 (byte): volume (0 max to 5 min) The beats per minute is only supported by the HC, MC, and Series 3a. On the Series 3a, volumes 1 and 2 are identical, as are 4 and 5. On the Series 3s, volumes 0 and 5 are unavailable. Function: 8 Argument 1: 2 byte information block Argument 2: unused The block is filled in with information about the sound channel, using the same format as function 7. Function: 9 Argument 1: alarm type (0 = rings, 1 = chimes) Argument 2: unused The specified alarm is played; this function completes when the sound has completely played. Function: 10 Argument 1: phone number (cstr) Argument 2: parameter block This generates DTMF dialling sounds. The number contains the digits to be dialled (0 to 9, *, #, and A to F can be used; E is the same as *, and F the same as #). The parameter block has the format: Offset 0 (byte): tone length ) Offset 1 (byte): delay length ) all in 1/32 seconds Offset 2 (word): pause length ) ***** I hope that is useful to you, Faye. ž P3aOLR 2.2 ž It's not a bug it's a hidden and seldom used feature -!- Olms 2.0 [PCTDH49H] ! Origin: From The Crystal Tower : London (081-4478244) (2:254/220)