********************************************************** Program: ReverseMeNot Version: 1.0 Synopsis: Protecton from Revtran V4.2 Platform: Psion Series 3a/3c Date: 8th February 1998 Author: Andrew Lord Email: lordy@bigfoot.com ********************************************************** Readme file for ReverseMeNot ReverseMeNot protects translated files from being reverse translated by RevTran v4.2. For the record, I *do* like RevTran. It's a very useful program and I have it installed on my Psion. Mike Rudin's notes have assisted me on many occasion. RevTran was given to the Psion community free of charge. The irony is that all of the protection tools I have seen require you to part with cash. So to help balance things out here is a free protection tool - ReverseMeNot. IMPORTANT ReverseMeNot only stops RevTran V4.2 from decoding files. This version does not use any elaborate techniques. However it will hinder the majority of casual 'snoopers'. Also it *may* not protect from any other reverse translation programs (known or unknown). However, at this time, I don't know of any others. It *may* not protect against later versions of Revtran - although none are planned. Unless you get involved with some heavy crytpography, it is very difficult to protect *any* computer program, compiled or otherwise, from a determined individual. The hope is that the majority of people that would run RevTran on your code, when seeing that it is protected will a) honour the Author's wishes (such nobility seems to be prevalent amongst Psion owners. ) or b) not have the time and/or skill to defeat the protection That only leaves the 'hardcore crackers(bad)/hackers(good)' who would defeat just about any level of protection anyway. Hackers are just having 'fun' - they won't hurt your business. Crackers, on the other hand ...(There's a note for them later) ********************************************************** INSTALLATION: To install ReverseMeNot 1) copy the file RevMeNot.opa to your \APP\ directory. 2) From the system screen install ReverseMeNot by pressing and together and selecting RevMeNot. ********************************************************** RUNNING ReverseMeNot: To run ReverseMeNot select the icon from the system screen and follow the instructions. ********************************************************** COMMENTS: I don't usually protect my free stuff, in fact I often bundle the source code with it, but ReverseMeNot is an exception, otherwise someone could use RevTran on it, and work out how it does what it does. ********************************************************** FUTURE: ReverseMeNot could use more elaborate techniques so that it would take a determined cracker a day or so longer to figure out what its doing, but as it stands it should deter most people. (I've never actively pursued trying to decode a protected program and I'm a fairly curious person!!) CONDITIONS OF USE: ********************************************************** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS'. THERE ARE NO WARRANTEES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY KIND OF PURPOSE. I CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCURRED BY USING THIS SOFTWARE. DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS PROGRAM, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO USE OR RUN IT IF YOUR INTENTION IS TO DEFEAT THE PROTECTION SCHEME. ********************************************************** IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS please DO NOT USE ReverseMeNot. **********************************************************