PROVISIONAL DOCUMENTATION of SND: Introduction ============ On all machines sound can be generated from an internal speaker driven by the SND: device driver. In addition all machines with the exception of the Series3a include a built-in piezo-electric buzzer that can be used for emitting warning beeps and other simple sounds. The buzzer has the advantage that it requires much less power to drive it. The Series3a includes a buzzer emulator that drives the speaker. In all cases the buzzer is controlled using the p_sound routine. In all machines output to the sound channel is disabled if either the E_SOUND_DEVICE bit of the sound flag is clear or the E_SOUND_DISABLE bit of the sound flag is set. These flags are manipulated by the p_getsnd and p_setsnd functions, described in the PLIB Reference manual. Sound on MC and HC machines --------------------------- MC and HC machines can emit sound from either a piezo-electric buzzer or an amplifier-driven loudspeaker. In normal circumstances the buzzer output is controlled by the PLIB p_sound function and the SND: sound device driver controls output to the speaker. As a power-conserving strategy, all sound output is directed to the buzzer if the main battery voltage is less than the warning voltage level and no mains supply is connected. The speaker is a two voice output device, that is, it can play two-note chords. This means that DTMF tone dialing is possible. The sound services provide for the generation of a wide range of notes or note sequences. Sound on Series3 machines ------------------------- The Series3 can emit sound from either a piezo-electric buzzer or an amplifier-driven loudspeaker. In all circumstances the buzzer output is controlled by the PLIB p_sound function and the SND: sound device driver controls output to the speaker. The Series3 sound device driver services are limited to providing either DTMF dialling tones or simple alarm sounds. The user who wishes to generate more complex sounds must load a suitable device driver - an example, SNDFRC.LDD, can be found on the SIBOSDK disk included with this manual. Sound on Series3a machines -------------------------- The Series3a can emit sounds from an amplifier-driven loudspeaker, using either the SND: sound device driver, or the built-in buzzer emulator. In all circumstances the buzzer emulator output is controlled by the PLIB p_sound function. The Series3a speaker is a two voice output device that can play two distinct notes at the same time. The SND: sound device driver provides the same services as on the HC and MC machines thus allowing for the generation of a wide range of notes or note sequences. The Series3a can also record and play .WVE digital sound files - see the General System Services chapter of the Plib Reference manual. These are especially useful for use as custom alarm sounds. Panics ------ All services (with the exception of p_open) will cause the calling process to be panicked if the passed channel handle is not valid. Other panics are described under the particular service to which they apply. Sound services ============== Except where noted below, the services listed in this section are available on all SIBO machines. INT p_open(VOID **pcb, "SND:", -1); ----------------------------------- Open a channel to sound device. Returns zero if successful, or one of the following errors: E_FILE_ALLOC failed to allocate memory for the control block E_GEN_FAIL sound device is disabled E_FILE_LOCKED or port is already open or in use E_GEN_INUSE INT p_close(VOID *pcb); ----------------------- Close the sound channel. Returns zero. INT p_iow(VOID *pcb, P_FCANCEL); -------------------------------- Cancel any outstanding write request. Performing a cancel is harmless if no write request is outstanding. Returns zero. INT p_iow(VOID *pcb, P_FSENSE, E_SOUND *psound); ------------------------------------------------ Sense the sound channel characteristics. The E_SOUND struct is defined in epoc.h as: typedef struct { UBYTE beatsPerMinute; UBYTE volume; } E_SOUND; The value of beatsPerMinute has no significance for the Series3 machine. On HC, MC and Series3a machines beatsPerMinute may vary from E_SOUND_MIN_BPM (2) to E_SOUND_MAX_BPM (240). The default value is 120. On HC, MC and Series3a machines volume may vary from E_SOUND_MAX_VOLUME (0) to E_SOUND_MIN_VOLUME (5). On Series 3 machines the value is restricted to the range 1 to 4 inclusive. On the Series3a volumes 1 and 2 are identical, as are 4 and 5 - there are thus only four actual volumes. In all cases a smaller value of volume gives a louder sound. The default value is 1. Returns zero. INT p_iow(VOID *pcb, P_FSET, E_SOUND *psound); ---------------------------------------------- Set the sound channel characteristics from the data in the E_SOUND struct, as described for the P_FSENSE service. Setting a value for beatsPerMinute has no effect for the Series3 machine. To set one sound characteristic without changing the other you should call P_FSENSE before P_FSET. For example: E_SOUND sound; p_iow(pcb,P_FSENSE,&sound); sound.volume = 2; p_iow(pcb,P_FSET,&sound); will set volume without changing beatsPerMinute. Returns zero if successful, or E_GEN_ARG if either of the characteristics is out of range. VOID p_ioc(VOID *pcb, E_FALARM, WORD *pstat, UWORD *palarm); ------------------------------------------------------------ INT p_iow(VOID *pcb, E_FALARM, UWORD *palarm); ---------------------------------------------- Write one of the two standard alarm note sequences. The alarm note sequence is selected by *palarm: 0 'rings' sequence 1 'chimes' sequence For example, UWORD alarm; alarm=1; p_iow(pcb,E_FALARM,&alarm); Panics if an E_FALARM, E_FSSOUNDCHANNELn or E_FDIAL request is currently outstanding, or if pcb is not a valid channel handle. The completion status code is returned by the synchronous p_iow(E_FALARM) and written to *pstat by asynchronous calls. The completion status code is zero if the P_FWRITE request completed successfully, or E_FILE_CANCEL if the write was cancelled by a call to the P_FCANCEL service. VOID p_ioc(VOID *pcb, E_FSSOUNDCHANNELn, WORD *pstat, WORD *pnotes, WORD *plen); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT p_ioc4(VOID *pcb, E_FSSOUNDCHANNELn, WORD *pstat, WORD *pnotes, WORD *plen); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write *plen notes to voice n (n may be 1 or 2) of the sound channel. The value of *plen must be less than or equal to 16384 (0x4000). ** This service is available only on HC, MC and Series3a machines. ** The parameter pnotes should point to an array of *plen notes. A note consists of two WORDs, the first giving the note frequency in Hz (middle A is 440Hz) and the second gives the note duration in beats. By default there are 120 beats per minute, but this value may be changed using P_FSET. A zero frequency corresponds to silence. To allow the output to both voices to be synchronised, neither output will start until both E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL1 and E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL2 have been called. The following will output a rising and falling scale (known as the ice-cream van at Psion): WORD notes1[] = {1048,24,524,12}; WORD notes2[] = {1048,4,1320,4,1568,4,2092,4,1568,4,1320,4,1048,12}; WORD s1_status; WORD len1,len2; INT i; len1 = sizeof(notes1)/4; len2 = sizeof(notes2)/4; p_ioc5(psoundcb,E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL1,&sndstat1,¬es1,&len1); p_ioc4(psoundcb,E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL2,&sndstat2,¬es2,&len2); i = -1; do { p_iowait(); i++; } while (sndstat1 == E_FILE_PENDING && sndstat2 == E_FILE_PENDING); if (sndstat1 == E_FILE_PENDING) p_waitstat(&sndstat1); else p_waitstat(&sndstat2); while (i--) p_iosignal(); If you only require to use one of the voices then set len2 to zero. Panics if an E_FSSOUNDCHANNELn (on the same channel) or an E_FALARM request is currently outstanding, or if pcb is not a valid channel handle. The completion status codes are written to by the asynchronous p_ioc5(E_FSSOUNDCHANNELn) routines. The requests must not be made using the alternative asynchronous p_ioa and p_ioa5 routines as these do not guarantee completion - in the event of a low battery these requests will never complete. Similarly the requests must not be made snchronously. The completion status code is zero if the P_FWRITE request completed successfully, or E_FILE_CANCEL if the write was cancelled by a call to the P_FCANCEL service. VOID p_ioc(VOID *pcb, E_FDIAL, WORD *pstat, TEXT *pstr, E_DIAL *pdial); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INT p_iow(VOID *pcb, E_FDIAL, TEXT *pstr, E_DIAL *pdial); --------------------------------------------------------- Write a DTMF tone sequence from the zero terminated string *pstr, with timing as specified by the content of the E_DIAL struct pointed to by pdial. This struct is defined in epoc.h as: typedef struct { UBYTE toneLengthTicks; /* tone length in 1/32 sec */ UBYTE delayLengthTicks; /* inter-tone delay in 1/32 sec */ UWORD pauseLengthTicks; /* pause length in 1/32 sec */ } E_DIAL; ** This service is available only on Series3 and Series3a machines. ** DTMF tones are produced for the following valid characters: the digits 0 to 9 upper or lower case alphabetic characters in the range A to F the characters # (0x23) and * (0x2A) which are converted to F and E respectively. Space and comma characters generate a pause of length specified by the E_DIAL struct element pauseLengthTicks. All other characters are ignored. The string at pstr may be of any length, but the total number of valid tone and pause generating characters characters in it may not exceed 26. For example, assuming a dial-out code of 9, E_DIAL dial; TEXT digits[10]; dial.toneLengthTicks=8; dial.delayLengthTicks=8; dial.pauseLengthTicks=48; p_scpy(&digits[0],"9,0711234"); p_iow(pcb,E_FDIAL,&digits[0],&dial); will emit the DTMF dialling tones to dial the external number 071 1234. Panics if an E_FDIAL or E_FALARM request is currently outstanding, or if pcb is not a valid channel handle. The completion status code is returned by the synchronous p_iow(E_FDIAL) and written to *pstat by asynchronous calls. The completion status code is zero if the P_FWRITE request completed successfully, or one of the following errors: E_FILE_CANCEL the write was cancelled by a call to the P_FCANCEL service E_GEN_ARG the string contains too many valid characters Example ======= The following code implements a simple tone dialing system for HC or MC machines. #include #include #include GLREF_D VOID *winHandle; LOCAL_D WORD tones1[] = {941,1,697,1,697,1,697,1,770,1,770,1,770,1,852,1,852,1,852,1,941,1,941,1}; LOCAL_D WORD tones2[] = {1336,1,1209,1,1336,1,1447,1,1209,1,1336,1,1447,1,1209,1,1336,1,1447,1,1209,1,1477,1}; LOCAL_C VOID dial(VOID *psoundcb,INT tone) { WORD len = 1; WORD s1_status; WORD *ptone1,*ptone2; if(tone >= 0 && tone <= 11) { ptone1 = &tones1[0] + tone*2; ptone2 = &tones2[0] + tone*2; p_ioc5(psoundcb,E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL1,&s1_status,ptone1,&len); p_iow4(psoundcb,E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL2,ptone2,&len); p_waitstat(&s1_status); } } GLDEF_C INT main(VOID) { INT c,tone,err; VOID *psoundcb; UWORD func; P_RECT rect; E_SOUND sound; if ((err=p_open(&winHandle,"CON:",-1))!=0) { p_notifyerr(err,"No Console device",NULL,NULL,NULL); p_exit(1); } = = 0; /* set the screen size */ = 25; = 9; func = P_SCR_WSET; p_iow4(winHandle,P_FSET,&func,&rect); p_printf("Tone dial demo"); if ((err=p_open(&psoundcb,"SND:",-1))!=0) { p_notifyerr(err,"Cannot open sound device",NULL,NULL,NULL); p_close(winHandle); p_exit(1); } sound.volume = 3; sound.beatsPerMinute = 76; p_iow3(psoundcb,P_FSET,&sound); FOREVER { c = p_getch(); if (c==W_KEY_RETURN); break; p_putch(c); if(c=='*') tone = 10; else if(c=='#') tone = 11; else tone = c - '0'; dial(psoundcb,tone); } p_close(psoundcb); p_printf("\r\nDemo finished"); p_printf("Press any key to exit"); p_getch(); p_close(winHandle); return(0); } Values of some constants: ========================= P_FCANCEL 4 P_FSET 7 P_FSENSE 8 E_FALARM 9 E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL1 1 E_FSSOUNDCHANNEL2 2 E_FDIAL 10