RMREVENT V1.0 (S3Mx/S3A/S3C version) ------------------------------------ The purpose of these files is to give you a 'quick start' for a proper 'event-driven' SIBO program in OPL. To run it, copy the RMREvent.opl and RMREvent.pic files to your \OPL\ directory. Go to the System screen and highlight RMREvent under the OPL icon (you may need to press the System button to refresh the screen. Press to open the file, and then to translate it. Now go back to the System screen and use to install the new RMREvent.opa as a program. Then highlight the 'RMREvent' and press . You will see that the program responds to all the keys by carrying out an approriate operation or by putting up a screen message. In theory, all you have to is substitute your own code for the messages and you will have a program. Obviously it is not that simple, but that is when the fun starts !! I have also included a copy of the 'official' Help file generator issued by Psion (helpkit1.zip), and included a source text file for RMREvent (rmrevent.hlp) that you can use to generate the help file. Note that the program expects to find the Help file in an /APP/RMREVENT/ directory. There is no official guidance on where it should be placed, but this seemed as logical a place as any. This is not intended to be the perfect solution, or even the correct way to do it. it is just intended as a start point to save you a few hours work in trying to figure out where to begin. I would expect you to finish up changing most of it and adapting it to yours needs. I have released this into the public domain, with no copyright limitations. However, if you do use it for a Shareware Program a short advert for my Home Page [http://www.rmrsoft.com/] somewhere in the program/documentation would be much appreciated :-) Happy programming !! Al