eTxtRead for Psion S3A Version 1.15 october, 1996 ATTENTION My compression program can read files created with the program TCREADER. When you use this program, you have to register this with the author Barry Childress ( For more information, see the text from Barry at the end of this file. INTRODUCTION eTxtRead is a text file reader. The files can have any size and can be compressed. The files can be shown vertical or horizontal in any of the built-in s3A rom fonts. INSTALLATION eTxtread comprises the following files: ETXTREAD.APP ETXTREAD.TXT Copy ETXTREAD.APP into the \APP directory. Make a directory \TXT. Copy ETXTREAD.TXT into the \TXT directory. Install the ETXTREAD.APP program using the Psion + I key from the system screen. CHANGES Version V1.15 Extra registration screen when using compressed files. Version V1.14 Registration screen when using compressed files. Version V1.13 Beta text in version info deleted Version V1.12 Beta Changed the Psion combination for the Find next menu command from 'G' to 'N' Start/End of file now also by pressing Psion-ctrl- Up / Down. About screen on exit without saving prd removed Version V1.11 Beta Bug Fix: Scrolling when at the end of file could produce garbage on the last line. Bug Fix: Scrolling up could copy the file progress bar when in vertical viewing Bug Fix: Chars with accents were replaced by chars. Bug Fix: In version 1.10 Beta, a file could not be opened by using the menu. Version V1.10 Beta Search in normal or compressed files. This is rewritten and optimized for speed. The file progress bar shows the progress of the search. Short description in help about the formatting of text. eTxtReader.txt is updated and check for spelling errors by Ken Wright. The format of the setup files are changed. The program still loads a setup file (*.prd) from version 1.03, but when saving, this is converted to the new format. Default setup: When loading the default setup, the bookmarks are now cleared. File progress bar width = 2 pixels About screen is moved to the beginning of the program so you can close eTxtReader from the system screen. No extra screen update on startup Bookmarks: Was working on Belgian Psion only I think. Rewritten, now possible to use 30 bookmarks. Use: Press S followed by bookmark key to set a bookmark Press G followed by bookmark key to goto a bookmark Jump to percentage: Fixed bug when used in compressed files. Automaticly set the current percentage. Note: this is still not done with floating point numbers. Maybe next version... Line scroll in vertical mode: Clearing half scrolled text on bottom of screen. Version V1.03 default vertical orientation changed. searching can be interrupted by pressing ESC. the found word is shown inverted. rewrite of documentation for Text Alias files. Version V1.02 tab key for previous page. new vertical orientation. new menu layout. default setup file in \opd directory. fix psion z/Z in menu. OVERVIEW eTxtRead is a fast, compact text file viewer written in C. Files compressed by TCREADER from Barry Childress can also be viewed. Files in different directories can be put together with the use of the Make Alias function in the program. Many of the menu commands have shortcuts without the psion-key for using the program with one hand. The program has a horizontal and 2 vertical viewing modes. DOCUMENTATION You can use the help button for all of the shortcut keys and the Make Alias function. The rest of the documentation you can find here. Text formatting modes: There are 3 formatting modes that can be selected with the diamond/shift diamond key: Optimized: The program tries to format lines that are too long according to the original file. If the line is cut off, then the next newline is ignored and the space after the ignored newline is put in front of the line. Sometimes this can produce strange effects. Line: Lines that are too long just continue on the next row. Continue: Newlines are ignored. Shortcuts: The keys mentioned in the next part of this text can be accessed with or without the psion key. This makes it easier to use the program with one hand. An overview of the keys can be seen by pressing the help key and selecting shortcuts. Viewing: The program can show text vertical or horizontal with the shortcut keys 'v' or 'h'. When going to vertical orientation, there is a short delay where the program is making the vertical font. When you chose a different font (see later) in vertical orientation, the same delay occurs. When pressing v when already in vertical mode, the other vertical mode is selected. Fonts: All the Psion 3A built-in rom fonts can be used in vertical and horizontal orientation. To select the next/previous font use the 'z'/'Z' keys. To switch bold use 'b' or 'B'. When swithing fonts while in vertical orientation, you could temporarily switch to horizontal mode to avoid the delay for making the fonts. The fonts are switch from small to big with alternating Roman en Swiss font. Text Alias: The default directory for eTxtRead is normaly the \TXT directory. (You can use other directories from the system screen when you create a new list). If you want to view files that are not in the directory for eTxtRead, you can use a Text Alias. A Text Alias is a short file that is saved in the directory for eTxtRead that contains a link to another file. The alias files are then visible in the system screen. When you select the text alias file from the system screen, eTxtRead will open the file in the other directory. The setup information for the file will be saved in the directory for eTxtRead. This can also be used for viewing text files in flash memory because the config file will not be saved on flash memory. How to make an alias: Select eTxtRead with the directory you want the text alias to be. Use the 'Open file' menu command to open the text file in another directory or device. Execute the 'Make alias' menu command to save the text alias file. After exiting eTxtRead, the file should be added to the system screen and can be used like a regular file. Feedback Comments,suggestions, bugs can be sent to: Email: Peter Muys Invalidenstraat 102 9041 Oostakker (Gent) Belgium 0032 (0)9 259 09 23 THANKS TO Special thanks to Ken Wright for checking for spelling errors in this text. (Also thanks to the people that have sent suggestions to make this program better.) Included below is a text from Barry Childress, the author of Reader and TCReader, the compression program. Everybody that uses tcr files with eTxtReader should register this with Barry because he did al the work on tcreader. Registered users get a eTxtReader version without the tcr-nag-screens. ABOUT TCR FILES BY BARRY CHILDRESS TCR files are compressed files that are approximately 50% smaller then the original text file and was originally developed for Reader (my file viewer.) A fair amount of work has been put into the compressor (TCReader) to produce these files so they can be decompressed quickly on the Psion. To help support further development (better compression ratio) I am asking for a registration fee of $15 USD. In return you'll get a version of eTxtRead with no nag screens (with special thanks to Peter for this) and the latest version of TCReader. You'll also receive updates by email for no additional charge. To help support Peter's idea of making public domain texts more accessible on the Psion I'm willing to discount the registration fee even further. The rational behind this is while public domain texts should be freely available that "right" does not extend to being fully usable in compressed form. Or if you will, I'm saving you a cost of a (larger) SSD. If you feel the deal is not worth $15 then just write me your thoughts plus what you feel is a fair price and I will send out the latest version of eTxtRead with no nag screens. Please note that this discount offer does not give you a license to use TCReader to produce your own TCR files it only gives you a way to view files that have been compressed with TCReader. (Write if you need help locating these files on the net.) To register: The quickest way to get your registered copy of eTxtRead and the latest version of TCReader is drop a check in the mail for the equivalent of $15 USD in _any_ currency then email me that you have done so and I'll email you back a uuencode version of the program(s). (Please note that I do prefer USA checks or cash but I will take what ever is convenient for you.) Reader c/o Barry Childress 3701 Fords Lane Apt C Baltimore MD 21215 Phone (410) 764-7821 - Compuserve 73510,1420 Internet: And finally I would like to say my goal is to encourage people to read more and get a little something for my efforts. If the above pricing plan is going to stop you from reading then please write to me I'm sure we can work something out. Barry Childress (author of TCReader) COPYRIGHT eTxtRead is copyright 1996 by Peter Muys. All rights reserved. The program is currently distributed as FREEWARE. DISCLAIMER The author shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind due to the use of this program.