Fit4Life 1.3 (C) UK 1996 Steve Litchfield =============================================== Released as freeware September 1996 ... Program supplied in English, French or German. Si vous etes francais, lisez le fichier LISEZ.MOI, s'il vous plait! Falls Sie Deutscher oder Deutsche sind, lesen Sie LIESMICH.TXT!! IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT YOU SHOULD UNDERTAKE SERIOUS EXERCISE, SEE YOUR DOCTOR FIRST! ALSO, PLEASE NOTE THAT NEITHER STEVE LITCHFIELD NOR 3-LIB CAN BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THE INFORMATION OR ADVICE GENERATED BY THIS PROGRAM. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! *************** If you unzipped this product from its constituent ZIP file(s) _without_ the "-d" option (to rebuild the original correct directory structure), then you have two options. *EITHER* delete this file and the other files you've just created and try again, or carry on reading here until you get to the part where it tells you which directories to put everything in, and then use the MCLINK/DOS installation script or copy everything across manually! If you use a Mac, please note that you should avoid any unzipping options that involve 'smart'-handling of linefeeds. *************** Created by Steve Litchfield 22 Grays Crescent Woodley Berks RG5 3EN Note that update information and new versions can be found at Requires Psion Series 3a or 3c, Psion Workabout or Siena. Note that at September 1996, the SSD drive for the Siena machines isn't yet available and so I've had to test this with the emulator. I thus take no responsibility for any misbehaviour on a real Siena. When I get myself some real hardware I'll test it properly. If you have any bug reports for Fit4Life on your Psion machine, please contact me! Changes for v1.3 (from v1.2) ---------------------------- New log file format which includes date of each exercise session; now handles US Psion 3as properly; metric and imperial unit limits changed to reduce confusion when changing units; 'Delete last log entry' function added; spreadsheet filename to over-write/use is now a preference; beeps just before the 3 minute recovery period is up to attract your attention; a few minor interface tweaks; now works properly on the Siena or Workabout machines; ******************** IMPORTANT!! ******************************** This text file documents the history of the program, its installation, and some of the more technical aspects to running it. For general help in using and understanding Fit4Life, please browse through the on-line help. *********************************************************************** All rights reserved. Components and Installation. ---------------------------- If you are a MCLINK user: (i) If you've unzipped the ZIP files without using the -d and have all the Fit4Life files in the current directory. Note that an example MCLINK script file is included, called INSTALL.SCR, which you'll need to customise for yourself by changing the disk names to suit your set-up and then use it to save yourself some typing! To use it, start MCLINK and type @INSTALL.SCR (ii) If you *did* use -d with PKUNZIP and now have all the files in their original directory structure, don't worry. With the link on between the Psion and the PC, go to the Psion keyboard. Position the cursor on the system screen on Time and press Psion-C. The 'Copy Files' dialog will appear with the root directory selected. Change the second line to point to the appropriate directory on the PC. Change the third line to be "\", i.e. a single backslash. Change the fourth line to be the disk you want to install Fit4Life onto. Set the fifth line to read "Yes". Your Psion will then copy over the directory tree in one go to the appropriate disk. If you use RCOM: See above, as for MCLINK. Note the MCLINK script above will still work, but you'll have to manually create the appropriate directories on your Psion's disk etc. You can do this in one step by using the 'Make Directory' menu option to create \APP\FIT4LIFE\ on your chosen SSD etc. In RCOM, you can then run the script with "CALL INSTALL.SCR" ... If you use PsiWin (or Winlink?): (i) If you correctly unzipped Fit4Life with its orginal directory structure, then simply drag and drop this directory tree onto one of your Psion's disk root directories. Note: dragging and dropping whole directory trees so that they end up in the right place is not trivial and you may wish to read the manual and/or practice first!! (ii) If you've got all the Fit4Life files in the same directory, you're definitely going to have to do it all manually, but at least you can do it all with 'drag and drop'! You'll need to create the \APP\ and the \APP\FIT4LIFE\ directories by hand on your Psion using the 'Create Directory' menu command. If all else fails refer either to the list below, or to the INSTALL.SCR script file, both of which should give you enough clues as to where things go! TIP: - when you drag and drop, remember to hold the key down throughout the operation. This forces PsiWin to just copy the file(s) and not try to do any fancy conversions! Inside the ZIP file =================== README.TXT - this file! FIT4LIFE.OPA - the main program module. Place this in an \APP\ directory on any Psion drive, and install onto your system screen with Psion-I. plus support files, to be placed in a \APP\FIT4LIFE\ subdirectory on the same disk: ENGLISH.OPO - the english language module FRANCAIS.OPO - the french language module DEUTSCH.OPO - the german language module FIT4LIFE.RSC - the help file in english FRANCAIS.RSC - the help file in french DEUTSCH.RSC - the help file in german FIT4LIFE.PIC - a graphic of a heart, and some other pretty pics! _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ Note that (obviously) you only need to install one of the three sets of language modules, according to which Psion you own. If you have a Psion that's not any of these three languages, or wish to override the automatic selection, please note that creating a file ENGLISH.FLG in the internal disk's root directory will force Fit4Life to use english, and thus use the ENGLISH.OPO module. Similarly for FRENCH.FLG and GERMAN.FLG. Could also be useful for practising your language skills, I suppose! 8-) Thanks for trying Fit4Life! If you decide to remove the program from your Psion, please note that it creates several small files in \OPD\ on your default disk, used to store your profile and preferences from session to session). Small print: ------------ 1) You can contact me via email at (preferred) or on Compuserve as 100640,107 2) On-line support for Fit4Life, including test versions and possible extra utilities are provided in the 'fit4life' conference on CIX and the 'Palmtop' forum on Compuserve. Updates and news can be found on the World-Wide-Web in Keep those suggestions rolling in!! 3) Thanks very much to Fred Botton and Eberhard Rompf for their sturdy work in translating the programand help text into french and german. Steve Litchfield