Hi, Thanks for downloading, copying to otherwise obtaining my humble effort at Psion programming. In this Doc. 1. ABOUT 2. WHAT'S NEW IN 1.5? 3. THE CALCULATIONS 4. INSTALLING 5. WHAT'S TO COME? ABOUT: It's called Geoclock, I hope the name is not a trademark, but it basically is a little program to display a map of the Earth showing which part is in sunlight and which is dark. It will show you the current situation as well as any other day and time you care to enter. Due to the fact the Psion has no high speed number processor it is not the fastest of programs. However, having said that, once you've waited for the initial setups and calculations it will run in real-time, that means you can keep it running in the background to see what the current situation is at any time. At the bottom of the Earth map are three lines of cities and local times. You can change these cities with one of the menu options. WHAT'S NEW IN 1.55? Since the last version (1.5) there is not much new. I released this one to get over my silly idea of making each version expire. The idea was to make sure everyone had the same version but in the end I just ended up rushing to get something out before the expiry date. I was a little stuck with the last version for space to finish the globe view. I have now changed the way the various clocks work which has given me quite a bit of extra room. This version already has the space reserved for the globes, I hope to add it for version 1.6 which should be ready by the end of January. I hope you're pleased with this version, it seemed fairly solid during testing. THE CALCULATIONS: The sun’s position is calculated to within a few arc-seconds, basically the amount the sun moves across the sky in a second or two. This is getting less accurate as time goes on. In the next version (1.6 or 1.7) I hope to get 1997's data, If you've seen a Astronomical data book for 1997 please please let me know, I tried to get one in London last week but couldn't find one. This will put the accuracy back to within a second. The resolution of the Psion means that one pixel on the Psion screen is one degree on the Earth’s surface. The Earth spins round at 15 degrees per hour so give or take a pixel means give or take 4 minutes. Add to that the fact that the sun’s light is refracted or “bent” as it gets close to horizon plus the calculated position is the center and not the rim of the sun and this all adds up to almost another degree or so. I can easily correct for all this but to be able to do this for the 360 positions around the Earth would take a good 10 minutes to calculate on the Psion. I've started a Java version which I will soon put on my web site. It's so fast on my machine (Pentium pro 200MHz) that it calculates several maps per second and the globe view can be rotated in real-time. INSTALLING: Just unzip the geoclock.zip file and put Geoclock.opa into the \APP directory and Worldmap.PIC into a new directory \APP\GEOCLOCK on any drive. You will have to create this directory using the Psion’s “make directory” (Psion +). Finally you will have to add the application onto the system menu with the “Install App” option (Psion I). WHAT'S TO COME?: I have recently obtained a very much more detailed map of the Earth, actually 144 times more detailed than the one I currently use. I hope very soon to add a Europe and USA option that shows the two areas in much more detail. I may finish this before the globes but we'll both have to wait until V1.6 to see. I hope to get the latest 1997 figures to allow me to calculate both the sun and moon. Following that I will show the moon and it's phase. I think this may be in a later version 1.7 rather than the next one. I am not a Psion programmer, it was several litres of Spanish sangria (a wine based punch) that got me into writing this program on a long weekend in Madrid. The most resent mods were done during the monsoon in Thailand, Thai Whiskey and Singha beer helped a lot with the sherical trig. needed for the globe view. I don’t live on the poverty line but you will see that this version has the "contribute" option. The address to send the money to is my mothers'. She cooks me great meals when I visit her in England so the money will help to pay for a good party next time I visit. Please give me any comments you have via email, John Davies@Compuserve.com. You will always find the latest version of this program on my web page http://www.compulink.co.uk/~bonzo/Psion/ Thanks for trying it. -John Davies-