TCReader 2.0 The compression idea originally came from Ian Young who worked up a version for VR (if you want a copy of his source let me know.) I adapted and enhanced his code so texts can be compressed in about 5-10 minutes rather then hours on a single file. (See note at the end of this file.) þ TCReader (Text Compression for Reader) is a DOS program that converts plain text files into a compressed format that Reader understands. The shareware version is compiled for a x86 when you register I will send out a 486 version. If your machine is less capable let me know and I will send you a revised program. I hope to support other platforms as well so whatever your needs are let me know and I will try to get something to you. Note: TCReader also exists for Acron's Archimedes and Linux write for more info. To use type: TCReader filename And the original file well be converted to a compressed file (same name.) If you wish to preserve the original file use TCReader like: TCReader infile outfile And the compressed file will be the name you selected as the outfile. þ Or under Windows you can setup an association. Since most people prefer to leave the TXT association to call up Notepad you can use TCR extension (you will need the TCR.als installed on your Psion.) The steps involved in setting up are: Rename a file to compress to have a TCR extension. Set up an association in File Manager or Norton Desktop so TCR will call TCReader.exe. Now all you have to do is rename a file to have a TCR extension and then double click. File Manager or Norton desk top will then launch TCReader and generally in a few moments return to Windows with the file now about 50% smaller. You can always restore the original with: UnTCR infile [outfile] The out file name being optional (like TCReader) if you do not want the original over written. þ Note: TCReader uses temporary files with numbers for names (corresponding to the number of passes.) So make sure your current directory is clear of files with names like "1", "2", "3" ... Reader will automatically detect a compressed file so there is no need to distinguish compressed files from normal files. þ DOS Wild cards - You can use DOS wild cards for both TCReader and UnTCR. If the optional outfile is used with wild cards just the outfile extension is used for the output file. Examples: TCReader *.txt or TCReader *.txt *.tcr Some people use a BAT file to automate the processes. All you need to do is create a file (BAT extension) with the following line in it: TCREADER %1 *.TCR This will compress a file given as an argument and give it a TCR extension. Note: Do to the way I'm handling wild cards the same file may come up more then once. This has no ill effects other then displaying a message that it has already been processed. þ TCR alias Also included is an alias (new file list) for TCR files. Install TCR.als and files with a TCR extension in the \TXT\ directory will show up under this icon. þ Switches I have been playing around with different ways to help improve the compression and help speed up the processes especially for files that seem to get stuck in the battle for the best of the few codes remaining. The new method I have picked as the default helps to eliminate this but generally it's not quite as good in the compression ratio as the old method (but is some cases it's better.) Since the cost of using the new method seems to fall within a 1 to 2k difference I though that people would enjoy this as the default. If you want to use the old method just append an '@' (for alternate) after the command line. Example: TCReader *.txt *.tcr @ So if your inclined to play around a bit you may want to try this. In case you forget you can always type "TCReader" without any arguments and a short help screen will be displayed. Enjoy, -=Barry=- (Note: Even though I credit Ian Young for originating the idea I believe I have added sufficient new processes to the compression to claim the right to get compensated for my work. In other words this program is not freeware. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.)