Time Off for the Psion series 3a. (C) M.C.Avey, 1995. This little program seems to fill a gap in the current software lineup. It allows the user to set up to 10 'timers' (which run consecutively). In between the timers, the 3a switches off, switches back on with a message and/or an audible alarm and switches back off waiting for the next timer to expire or for the user to switch the 3a back on manually. This is useful if you want an alarm, but do not want to have to go to your 3a and acknowledge it and switch it back off again. There are some limitations as regards the length of time that can be set for a timer, all of which is documented in the Help file. Installation ------------ Copy TIMEOFF.OPO to any /OPO directory (the program) Copy TIMEOFF.RSC to any /OPD/TIMEOFF directory (the Help file) It's free. Hope it's useful!