VacTrac 1.5.1 for the Psion 3a May 1997, Ronald Queloz Description: VacTrac is a vacation planning tool for the Psion 3a/3c. Given a set of persons and vacation dates (leaves), VacTrac displays a chart like those big wall charts used at the time there was no Psion 3a. Contents of this package: README.TXT - this file VACTRAC.OPA - VacTrac application VACTRAC.RSC - VacTrac resource (help, etc.) VACPRT.OPO - VacTrac printing module VACPRT.DYL - Printing DYL (Pelican Software) Quick installation: 1) Copy VACTRAC.OPA to \APP\ on any drive. 3) Create the directory VACTRAC below the APP directory where VACTRAC.OPA has been installed. 4) Copy VACTRAC.RSC, VACPRT.OPO, VACPRT.DYL into the \APP\VACTRAC\ directory. 5) Install the VACTRAC.OPA using psion-i from Psion system screen. 6) Refer to the help screen for further details. Freeware: This software is freeware. But if you like and use it, give me some feedback, send me a postcard, e-mail, or anything you like. Bug Reports: Send bug reports, suggestions or other ideas to