IMPORTANT: Configuration/setup files created before v1.4 will NOT work with v1.4 and subsequent releases. There were significant changes to v1.4 and as a result, emailit.cfg and emailit.tcp contents have been altered. You have two choices to upgrade to version v1.4 or later: (1) use the program v1xv14.opo that is in this zip file and it will convert your old files to the new format. This utility will rename your current emailit.cfg to emailit.cfb so you can go back to an earlier version of emailit if you want. If you are happy with this version, delete emailit.cfb and v1xv14.opo from your Psion. (2) Delete emailit.cfg and emailit.tcp and re-enter all the setup data again. eMail-It v1.4 (Feb 17/2000) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes (listed in no particular order) from v1.3 are: * The maximum width of a Reply message has increased to 980 chars. * The current time is now correctly displayed on the main screen if a 12-hour clock is used. * When you forward a message , Word is now invoked for editing. * The "Word wrap" editor has been added as an option on the "Preferences" screen. Due to the way in which the Psion Word application works, the "Text only" mode does not allow word wrapping, and in "Word wrap" mode the saved file from Word contains "format info" which eMail-It removes. * The standard SMTP "dot stuffing" now takes place when you use the "Word wrap" editor. This was never done in previous releases of eMail-It. * Word is now used for displaying/viewing messages. It takes a little longer to load the message into Word than my display routine in v1.4b, but in doing so, much more functionality is added such as: word-wrapping, scrolling, zooming, printing, cut/paste, etc. Any changes you make to this "copy" of the message will be discarded. To "cut/paste", use the "Bring text" facility of Word to move portions of text from this message to another Word document, or you can save your "cuts" to a file using the "Save as" feature of Word and "paste" these into a new message using the "Merge in" feature of Word. Note: It is not possible to "Bring text" from a message to a new message directly since eMail-It only allows one message to be open at a time. * The "Send again" command has been changed slightly. If you use this command on an outgoing or queued message, you will be asked if you wish to keep the current message headers (ie. To: Cc: Subject: etc.). This will save you from re-entering this info if you just want to "edit" the message body. * You are now allowed to define three POP3 mail server definitions in order to easily download mail from different servers. The first screen of Mail Setup is now the "Preferences" screen and here you define which POP3 server(s) to access to get your mail. The next screen is "Network Configuration" where you define the server addresses, etc. Since you can define only one POP3 server at a time, you have to repeat Mail Setup several times. Once all your POP3 servers have been defined, you can then select a particular POP3 server to download from or the "ALL defined servers" option. Note: All outgoing mail will be sent to the SMTP server defined and you have only one choice here. * Screen displays, including dialog boxes, have been changed to work correctly on the Siena. * ALL messages are now downloaded from the server. However, in Mail Setup, you can specify if BIG messages are to be truncated and if truncated, how many lines of the message (excluding headers) are to be downloaded. You also define how BIG is big (in # of k). Truncated messages will be displayed on the screen and you will be asked if you wish to delete a truncated BIG message if "Leave Mail on Server" has been set to No. * If you leave your mail on the server, you are now prompted for which message to start downloading from. If the last time you received your mail you had 10 messages on the server and now you have 17 (ie. 7 new messages have arrived), you can now indicate that you wish to start downloading from message number 11 in order to just get your new messages. * The command has been added to "un-attach" an attachment that has been sent in MIME base64 format. This function will try and find an attachment on the selected message. If one is found, it will be converted and written to the file you entered or accepted. The directory \emailit\attach\ must exist for this to work. The attachment will be replaced by a message indicating where it was written to. To recover the used disk space, use to compress the mailbox. Note: the decoding process is real slow at the moment. * All downloaded messages are now checked for format so as to simplify later processing by eMail-It. * You are no longer restricted to the internal RAM drive to create the \emailit\ directory. eMail-It now searches M, A, B, C (in that order) for the \emailit\ directory. So now you can use external RAM SSDs or a Cyclone disk. FLASH SSDs should not be used due to the I/O requirements of eMail-It. The file emailit.opa should still be placed in this directory to keep everything together. The subdirectory \attach\ should be created so attachments can be placed there. * Corrected the timestamp on the System-Time: header. * Bug fixed: When sending your mail, eMail-It was not able to correctly send any further messages after a message with an attachment was sent. * Bug fixed: eMail-It ran out of memory after downloading a message bigger than 18k and would not complete certain housekeeping tasks. * Bug fixed: When sending your mail and a nickname did not exist in the nickname file, eMail-It or TcpIp sometimes crashed. * Bug fixed: BIG messages are now properly handled if the download process does not terminate correctly. (ie. if you wanted it left on the server, it will not be deleted on the second connection). TcpIp v1.2 (Feb 17/2000) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * TcpIp now maintains a monthly cache of DNS lookups, but this can be deleted manually in TcpIp Setup. * Revised the setup dialogs to separate the Port and ISP settings. This change is to get ready for using the IrDA port instead of just the RS-232 port. If you select IrDA, TcpIp will send/receive data via the IrDA port (if it exists) just as if it were the RS-232 port, but this may not be what a cell phone is expecting. I need to research this. The "Debug level" field is part of the Port Settings. You can delete the *monthly* cache of DNS lookups here also. * Added a script timeout field for each ISP in ISP Settings. This used to be hard-coded in TcpIp. * If a timeout occurs while the script is running, TcpIp now displays what characters it was waiting for and also what data was recd from the ISP to aid in debugging your script. Some ISPs will pause for a few seconds once the modems connect to see if you are going to use PAP/CHAP to logon with. If you send just a carrage return once your modem connects (like Compuserve does), the ISP may prompt you for your username/password. * Changed how PPP is negotiated with an ISP. With some ISPs, PPP could not be negotiated or the wrong ACCM was used during communications. PAP is now supported, although CHAP is still not. PPP Link will ask an ISP wanting to use CHAP to use PAP instead. PPP Link now starts immediately after the ISP script has completed successfully. This changeis for those ISPs wanting to use PAP. PPP Link is a little smarter these days! * The modem cable info can be found in Walter Wright's Faxit 2.4 software documentation. * TcpIp will become SHAREWARE in the future. This release will work until Dec 31/2000 and the next release will be an assembler version. The registration fee will allow you to use the TcpIp software (including any future releases) for the next ?? years. Any suggstions? You would not believe the number of hours (days?, months?) that went into developing TcpIp after PsiStack was shelved! eMail-It Version 1.3 (Oct 31/99) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved the speed in which a message is displayed on the screen * A few minor program changes to "Mail Setup" and "Reply To". * Some additional information added to the readme.txt file. * Minor revision to the Help file. TcpIp 1.1 (Oct 31/99) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A new keyword (sp$) was added to the logon script. The sp$ keyword is followed by the 3 digit decimal code of the char you wish to send. This keyword can be used back-to-back to send a string of chars. ie. sp$032Asp$013 will send the space char, the letter "A" and then a carrage return.