==FlWorld - v2.5c - D. Rushall, 1996, 1998== --Introduction-- This document gives brief installation and usage instructions for the FlWorld application. Please read this document fully before copying any of these files on to you Psion. FlWorld is an accompiament to the standard World application on Psion Series 3a/3c and Acorn Pocketbook II machines. Unlike World, it allows the time to be displayed in multiple cities simultaneously and features graphical moon-phase and day/night displays. It's features include: o Display current time and date in up to six cities simultaneously. o Three display modes, including "World time-zone map" o Graphical moon-phase and optional day/night shading on world map display. o Sun rise and set times, and distance from Home city. o Cities chosen from World application database, both standard and user-defined. o `Background' display drawing allows user interaction without waiting for refreshes to complete. --Conditions of Use-- FlWorld is Freeware and copyright. It is _not_ public domain. You are permitted to copy, distribute and make use of FlWorld provided you adher to the following conditions: o Use is at your own risk. The author is will not be held responsible if anything goes wrong. As always when installing and sampling freeware applications, please make sure the data on your machine is backed up and the data is safe before you begin. o FlWorld is supplied `as-is'. Whilst I have attempted to iron out any problems in this software there is no guarantee than any that remain will be fixed in the future. o FlWorld may be freely used and distributed on a non-profit making basis, provided all, and only, the files listed below are distributed, unchanged. --Installation-- The FlWorld distribution contains the following files: Flworld.opa - main program module. Flworld.mnp \ Flworld.znm Ý Flworld.sp1 Ý- resource files. Flworld.sp2 Ý Flworld.sp3 / Flworld.hlp - on-line help. Flutils.fl0 - shared application library. Flworld.txt - this documentation file. Readme.txt - brief introduction. To install the application, create a \APP\FLWORLD\ directory on either the Internal (M:) drive, or an SSD (A: or B:). Copy the Flworld.opa program module to \APP\ and all other files, except the *.txt files, to \APP\FLWORLD\. Finally, install the Flworld.opa application on the System screen. For details of how to create directories, copy the files to them and to install applications on the System screen, please consult your Psion manual. -Advanced installation notes- You need only follow the above instructions to install FlWorld. The following notes are for experienced users and may be safely ignored if you are unsure about them. o The on-line help file, `Flworld.hlp' is optional and may be removed from \APP\FLWORLD\ by experienced users to save a little disk space. o If you use one of my other applications, such as Solun, you may already have a copy of the file Flutils.fl0 installed on your machine. This is a shared application library and you need only have one copy installed, to save space. If you wish to share Flutils.fl0, you must install it into \OPO\, instead of \APP\FLWORLD\ - but you must make sure you keep the latest version you have. If an application cannot find a version at the level it requires, or later, and error message is displayed and the application will not run. To display the version of Flutils.fl0 is which either run the file from the RunOpo icon, or view the beginning of the file (eg. use the DOS command, "TYPE FLUTILS.FL0"). Users of Solun v3.0 should note that FlWorld requires a newer version of Flutils, supplied in this distribution. --Using FlWorld-- To start FlWorld, move the highlight to the FlWorld icon on the System screen, and press . If this is the first time you start FlWorld, a default settings file will be created, with the name \APP\FLWORLD\Flworld.hcl. A dialog then appears asking for some initial settings. For now, accept the defaults by pressing . The main FlWorld display will now appear. When the main display appears, you can select options, such as the and keys. The key is used to switch between the display modes, such as "Large clocks" and "World time-zone map". Other useful keys are to select new cities, for display preferences and to switch between cities on the World map display. When you choose the Exit option from the menu, FlWorld automatically saves your current settings in the open settings file. When you next start FlWorld you old settings will be used. If you wish, you can create multiple set-up files, with different selections of cities and display options. To do this, use the New option on the File menu. You can also create new settings files from the System screen. By default, files are created with names matching \APP\FLWORLD\*.hcl and appear under the FlWorld icon on the System screen. For more information about the various options, please consult the on-line help from within the FlWorld appplication. Press the key, or select the Help option from the menu. --Troubleshooting-- FlWorld is relatively simple to use, however there are a couple of little quirks that deserve a mention: o When in the background, FlWorld closes it's windows to save memory. However, this means that when you switch back to FlWorld after starting another application (or copying a file to the internal drive) there is a chance that there is no-longer enough memory for all the display windows to be reopened. If this happens, FlWorld will stop drawing the display and flash a message. If you wish to see the rest of the display, you must release some more memory, perhaps by closing another application. o FlWorld requires around 40K of free process memory to start-up and complete the initial display. If there is not enough initial memory then FlWorld will complain that there is no system memory and exit immediately. If this happens you should close another application before you try again. Ironically this can cause confusion on the larger, 1M and 2M machines where one would think there is plenty of memory. It must be remembered that these machines have only a maximum of 512K available to processes. (For example, if a 2MB (2048KB) machine reports that 1024KB is being used by the internal RAM disk, and that there is 520KB free memory then FlWorld cannot run! The memory already being used by processes is 2048-(1024+520)=504KB which means there is only really 512KB-504KB=8KB left for processes, which is clearly less than 40KB.) o When first started, FlWorld selects six cities from the World database. Due to differences in the spelling of city names between languages, there is a chance that FlWorld will fail to find all the cities on non-English machines. If this happens, you will be asked for a valid city name. Your selection will then be saved when you exit FlWorld, so the problem should not occur again. --And Finally-- If you wish to report a problem or have any other comments or suggestions then please contact me at: dave@piecafe.demon.co.uk Internet users may also like to visit my WWW site, at: http://www.piecafe.demon.co.uk/dave/ David Rushall, January 1998