TVSched - a TV viewing scheduler ================================ Copyright (C) 1997-1998 David P Gymer All Rights Reserved You can send the author email via and visit the TVSched home page for the latest version at License ------- TVSched is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of TVSched. You are permitted to use this version of TVSched for any purpose free of charge. TVSched may be freely distributed, provided that all the files in the official distribution remain present and intact, with exception that if you charge a copying/distribution fee, you must make it clear that users are NOT purchasing the software, which is distributed under this license. Installation ------------ Make a directory called \APP\TVSCHED\ on whatever disk you want to run TVSched from, and copy the TVSCHED.APP file into it (along with TVSCHED.HLP if you want online help, and ALARM.DYL if you want alarms). NOTE: if you have previously used the alarm module when creating a schedule file, you MUST install it to be able to load that file. Install the TVSched application on your System screen (using the Psion-I key). Optionally, assign an application button (using Psion-A); on my 3c I use Control-Jotter. Use --- Please use the online help. I've tried to make TVSched behave the way I would "expect" it to. Thank you for trying TVSched! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and suggestions using the email address at the top of this file.