3T, Simple File Manager for Psion Series 3a. CONTACT: Written by Roger Muggleton Email: hzk@cix.co.uk Packet Radio: G0HZK@GB7WIR.#42.GBR.EU Mail Address: 23 Randolph Road, Langley, Slough, SL3 7QF, United Kingdom. OVERVIEW: 3T is a smallish application which handles most normal day-to-day file activities. It can view, copy, move, and delete files, make new directories and remove unwanted ones. It works on single files, or groups of tagged files. Up to 39 or 70 files can be displayed at once, although directories containing up to 200 files can be worked with. 3T is not as clever as some file managers, but it should be quicker than most. REGISTRATION: 3T is a free program which may be copied and used without charge. If you pass this program on to someone else, please give them a copy of the original archive. However, I am always pleased to hear from any user, so if you find my program useful, an Email or postcard would be appreciated! USAGE: If you have an earlier version of 3T, it is best to select Undo settings from the Special menu, before overwriting the old version of 3T with this version. Copy 3T.OPA to an \APP\ directory on any drive. Install in the usual way, using Psion-I from the system screen. Run 3T by highlighting the word "ThreeT" underneath 3T's icon, and press enter. The display shows 3 windows. The top window shows the full name, path and size of the file (or directory) highlighted in the lower window. The status window shows the media type (ROM, RAM, Flash), the space used in kbytes, and the space free. The lower window shows up to 39 or 70 files in the current directory. (The screen resolution is changed using Psion-Z). As you press the arrow keys, each item is highlighted in turn. If you move past the last displayed file, the window does NOT scroll, but the next file name will be shown in the top window. You can view up to 200 files this way. The display is sorted, with directory names first. THE KEYS: 0-9, A-z By pressing one of these keys without the Psion modifier key, you can hop around the lower window. For example, repeated pressing of 'B' will jump between all the files/directories that begin with the letter B. The following can be pressed for actions on highlighted files. Psion-A Touch a file. This enables the user to change the date and time of any file in RAM or on a RAM or Flash SSD. Psion-C Copy a file. A dialog appears, enabling you to choose a new drive and/or directory to copy the file to. You can select only existing directories. You can change the destination name if required (on single file operation only). If the destination name exists, you can overwrite, rename, or abort the action. Psion-D Delete a file or directory. A dialog asking for confirmation appears. If you delete a directory containing files, any files and subdirectories within are also deleted. (The 'delete' key can also be used). Psion-E Execute a ROM application. The highlighted file will be loaded into the appropriate ROM application - Word, Data, Sheet, OPL Editor, Text Editor, or RunOpl. If 3T does not recognise the file type, a menu will appear so that you can select one of the five applications. If there is enough memory, 3T will use JBData for data files, if this program is present. Psion-M Move a file. Files can be moved from one location to another. If any files are not copied for some reason, those files will not be deleted. Psion-R Rename a file. This renames a file. You cannot move its directory by renaming - use the Psion-M key if this is desired. If your new name has no extension (.OPL etc.), add a dot after the last letter of the new name. If you wish to keep the same extension as the original name, you need only type the letters before the dot, and the dot and extension will be added automatically. You can also rename a directory with this command. Psion-T Tag a file. This tags files for actions on groups of files. The C, D and M commands detect when files have been tagged. When all files have been 'actioned', the tags are cleared. Tagged files are shown in italics. The plus (+) key also tags files. Psion-U Untag a file. Removes a 'tag' from a file. The minus (-) key will also untag files. Psion-V Views a file. This is a limited facility which dumps files to the main window. You can scroll down the file by pressing DownArrow. Any other key returns to the file list. If the file ends .ASC, .CAP, .DOC, .TXT or .OPL, then the file is shown in non-wordwrapped ascii text format. Otherwise it is wrapped at the border, and displayed as an ascii dump. Psion + Makes a new directory. This works only when a directory is highlighted. If the name typed in is preceded by a backslash, it is placed in the root, otherwise it is placed in the highlighted directory. (The full path is displayed before the new directory is created - you can abort here!) Enter i) Shows file size, date, attributes. By pressing Enter at the dialog, file attributes may be altered. ii) Moves to the highlighted directory. iii) If '' is highlighted, moves to parent directory. Other keys: Psion-B Save a bookmark. This save a directory path for later recall. Psion-G Go to a bookmark. This enables the user to go to the last path bookmarked. See also Psion-N. Psion-I Version, and how to contact the author by Email. Psion-L Log a new drive. Carry out action on a different drive. If the current path exists on the new drive, this path will be preserved. Otherwise you are located in the root. See Psion-P for PC drives. Psion-N Toggle bookmark mode between 'smart' and 'normal'. When 'smart' is active, a Psion-G command will also swap the current path into the bookmark memory, allowing repeated presses of Psion-G to move between two directories. Psion-O Toggle 'copy to bookmark mode'. Normally when you move or copy a file, you need to choose the destination directory in the dialog which will appear. This may require you to use the built-in file selector to find this directory. However, if you first navigate to your destination in 3T's main window, and save this as a bookmark, 'copy to bookmark' mode will preset the 'copy' or 'move' dialog with the bookmarked directory as a destination. Psion-P Log a PC drive. If linked to a PC in the usual way, all PC drives present will be available. This has been tested only on an IBM type PC, but it may work with other computers. Psion-S Toggles a check of whether filenames without extensions are directories. By default, all such names are checked. By turning this check off, file display is slightly faster. This also means that 3T will assume a file called FRED is a directory, and add a [dir] after it. However, if you try any action on FRED, it will check its status first, and then treat FRED correctly as a file. Psion-W The directory check status and the zoom setting are stored in an environment variable called RM3T. It you wish to remove 3T from your Psion, Do a Psion-W before a Psion-X (exit) which will remove this variable from the environment. Psion-X Exits from 3T. Psion-Z Toggles 39 file and 70 file displays. Escape Moves to parent of current directory. Menu Guess what! Bookmark Mode Bookmark allows you to save the current directory path by pressing Psion-B. Thereafter, whichever device you are logged to, you can go to this bookmark by pressing Psion-G. If 'bookmark mode' (Psion-N) is set to 'smart', this action will also swap the current directory into the bookmark memory, so if you press Psion-G again, you will return to the path you were displaying prior to the first press of Psion-G. Psion-O toggles 'copy to bookmark' mode. If this mode is active, any 'copy' or 'move' command will preset the destination path to the bookmark path. You can, of course, overide this. These settings are stored on exit. LIMITATIONS: 3T cannot handle subdirectories more than 9 layers deep! You can view only up to 39 or 70 files on the screen. While 3T does not scroll if there are more, their names will appear in the top window, and all actions still work on them. Up to 200 files can be handled. If your directory contains more, these extra files will not be accessible. The date is shown in U.S format on a U.S. Psion, but in U.K. format on all other machines. The Psion-P command will allow you to read directories on a PC linked to your Psion. The Psion should be linked in the normal way, using a PC program like SLINK, RCOM, or PSIWIN. If you use PSIWIN, remove the switch /X from the line: ENGINE=PRCENWIN.EXE in the file \WINDOWS\PSIONPRC.INI Note that this is very slow! It is much quicker with RCOM though! 3T checks whether each file is a subdirectory or not. This takes a bit of time, but ensures that the [dir] tag is applied correctly. If your subdirectory has an extension, e.g. FOLDER.DIR, this extension is shown instead of the [dir] tag, and will be grouped with any other subdirectories. A file with no extension will be shown as a file, as expected! To get a slightly faster display, you can disable this checking by pressing Psion-S. The next time the display is refreshed, a subdirectory with an extension will be grouped with the files, and a file without an extension will be tagged [dir] and grouped with the subdirectories. However all 'files' are identified correctly in the top window, as will be any actions on the 'file'. Psion-S is a toggle. If you rename a file or directory, the cursor position will remain unchanged. i.e. it will highlight the wrong file :-( Most errors have been trapped (I think), but there is bound to be some case where I goofed. THANKS are due to: Max Bisschop for the file sort and display routine, David Palmer for his idea for a directory "prune" routine. WARNING: 3T has the ability to delete data. Please make sure you delete only the files and subdirectories you intend to! I disclaim any responsibility for any data loss, damage, or any unwanted effects whatsoever. Roger Muggleton. hzk@cix.co.uk -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE DETAILS for Version 1.40 3T shows the M:\ directory if it expects to read an invalid path. Previously it defaulted to M:\APP which is not guaranteed to exist! New in 1.39: Psion-E will run JBData if it is present, and if there is enough memory. Tagging commands also trigger an infoprint showing how many files, and total size tagged. New in 1.38: Any copy/move dialog is generally set to the current path. The rename directory rewritten, about 1k of code removed! The environment variable RM3T is ignored if its length is not 4, and a new string is written when 3T exits. The datestamp on a copied file is now the same as the original file (the OPL COPY command sets the current date). Version 1.36, 1.37 were not released! New in 1.35: Touch file added. Bookmark added. You can now rename a subdirectory. The date format is normally dd-mm-yyyy, but on a U.S. Series 3a it should change to mm/dd/yyyy. There has been a major change in how 3T navigates towards the root directory. This now allows the Psion-L command to keep to the same subdirectory on a new device. e.g. if you do a Psion-L from M:\OPL\ to drive A, you will change to A:\OPL\ if this path exists. Othewise you will change to A:\. Changes to the file tagging system now stop a file from being tagged more than once (!). The refresh after untagging all files has been removed. Changes since 1.32: Bug fixes. There was a programming error which caused a crash in some Psion models when Psion-S was pressed. Not in mine of course :-( so apologies to all those who suffered this bug. It should not happen in this version I hope. Both the Psion-S and -Z settings are now stored on exit. Changes since 1.30: When a directory is deleted, all the files and nested subdirectories inside it will also be deleted. If a file is open, or the Read Only attribute is set, the delete action will abort with a suitable message. This version now displays files as a sorted list, with directories first. Alas, it is almost 2k bigger, but it is much faster. The code to achieve this was written by Max Bisschop, to whom I am most grateful. Max also sped up the display by using an arbitrary method of deciding whether a file was a directory. I used a faster way of confirming this, and the Psion-S command switches this extra check out and in. Pressing Enter on a file name brings up the file info dialog as before. You can clear this with Esc, or by pressing Enter again, you get the chance to change file attributes. This new dialog displays the current attributes, so pressing Enter alone will not change them, and you can press Esc here to avoid re-writing the attributes. Launching an open file/applicaion (Psion-E) will bring it to the front, instead of generating an error. You can return to 3T with Shift-System. If you try to view an open file, you now get an alert (instead of a crash). The file "View" window (Psion-V) is now full screen width. The used disk and free disk space is now in kbytes. Changes since Version 1.25: The Application Name has been changed to "ThreeT". This is to avoid conflict with other file managers. Unfortunately you can't have an application name beginning with a number! So please remember to deinstall the old version (Psion-/), and reinstall this version (Psion-I). If you run 3T from a macro, you will have to change this too! 3T now has a menu! But to make room, I have removed the 'HELP' screen. But all the commands are visible from the menu anyway. You can now tag files with the plus (+) key, and untag with the minus (-) key, like the Psion file selector. Psion-T and Psion-U still work as well. File launching is more specific. TXT files are now loaded into the text editor, and there is a text editor option for files with unrecognised extensions. The cursor position is now stored as you move through a directory tree. So as you move back towards the root, the cursor will restore to the original position in each layer. Also when a file is renamed, moved, or deleted, the cursor will move to an appropriate position. The position should also be retained if you change resolution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------