History: 1.41 : -Creates LOC::M:\OPD\ if it does not exist. This is location of ini file. -Bug in German version which displayed ":a" instead of "Ja" in extra preferences. -Extra check on date change on coming to foreground, should it miss the system message (Happens when leaving dialog box open). -Small bug which left an extra pair of time arrows on screen after a select. -NEW: Easy way to jump to a specific month. Use the keys 1-9, 0(10), *(11) and /(12) to jump to next occurence of month. Use shift to goto previous. Use space to jump to current month/year. 1.40 : -Repeating item on last, say, Monday of month did not display on the right day if the last day WAS a Monday. Solved. -Multiple languages available for BusyView. Currently available (or coming soon): English (01), Dutch(18) and German(03). Automatically uses the resource file that matches the language of the Psion. If it's not available it defaults to English. Files are named: busyv??.rzc where ?? is the language number and should be placed in an \APP\BUSYVIEW\ directory on the drive where busyview.app is installed. -Optionally show year view letter in timed entry block. -Use larger font for item on topline. Text about using the +/- keys moved to the help file to make more space available on topline. -Use proportional font in day view. -TAB/shift TAB now shifts to next/previous week if at end/begin of view. -Yearly repeats on the 29th of February were always displayed on the last day of each view if the year was not a leap year. Solved. -Alarm times/dates are now shown in the day view in square brackets. Date is only displayed if it differs from the item date. -Show styles (bold, underline and italic). 1.31 : -BusyView now really works on the Siena. -Placed a border around the BusyView screen. 1.30 : -BusyView should now work on the Siena. It has however not been tested on a real Siena. Let me know if it works! -Overlapping appointments are now always shown correctly. -Extra preferences for displaying inverted daynumbers. (Press enter in the first preference screen) -Shift-dayletter jumps to previous day. So 'w' jumps to the next Wednesday, 'W' to the previous. -Line on the display marking the beginning of a new month. -Month and full year are displayed now in top left corner. They change when cursor switches to new month. This looks better than displaying both the month names and it leaves extra space on the topline to show more info about the appointments. -updated ini file. BusyView handles all the changes automatically and saves all your preferences to the new ini file. -Jump to a specific week/year. -Unregistered users get another 3 weeks for testing! -When changes were made in Agenda AND a memo was opened AND you switch to BusyView the contents of the memo would be lost. Now BusyView saves them for you before rereading the file. 1.20 : -BusyView now works with file lists (aliases). As BusyView has to 'learn' what file list to use, you should start Agenda first and then BusyView (using the same file!). That's all. (Only needed once, after that BusyView 'knows' what list to use) -New time bars make the view more readable if things get a little crowded. -BusyView now handles up to 512 items per 4 week view. (for the power users) -Updated ini file. Automatically takes over your previous settings and registration info. -Todo items could previously be included on the priority they had, later BusyView used only the Agenda preferences for the todo lists. ( 'Show in other views' settings) Now you can select: 1. Use Agenda preferences 2. Never show 3. Choose from priority to show. -New section in readme.txt which explains some BusyView preferences in more detail. 1.12 : -Shows crossed out items only on the day they were crossed out instead of on today. (Was getting a little crowded!) -When changes were made in Agenda AND a memo was opened AND you switch to BusyView, it indefinitely tries to open the agenda file to update the display. This is a very odd problem. Agenda now jumps to the foreground, closes the memo and then jumps back to BusyView which can then reread the file. Agenda handles this jumping back and forth! It works now correctly, but any changes made in the memo are lost!! Better not to jump back to BusyView while in a memo. -Yearly repeats did not work correctly if more than one year was visible in the 4 week view. 1.11 : -Solves a silly bug in an error message telling you you have more entries in 4 weeks than BusyView can Handle. (250) -Increase the maximum number of entries to 300. (1.11 was not generally released) 1.10 : -Supports agenda files up to 512 Kb in size -Automatically uses agenda preferences for displaying todo items, therefore removed this option from BusyView preferences. -Removed a few small bugs nobody noticed yet. -Repaints where not correctly done in some situations. -Updated readme.txt -Show optionally crossed out items. (Todo items have there own preferences from agenda regarding this. 1.01 : Solves unnecessary 'Agenda file corrupt' messages. 1.00 : Initial release.