________________________________________________________________________ BJ-30-LQ Improved Driver for Canon BJ-30 Printer - Version 1.0 ________________________________________________________________________ The following document describes the installation and key features of the improved printer Driver for the Canon BJ-30 printer. Installation ____________ 1) Copy the file BJ-30-LQ.WDR from your PC to the Psion into the /WDR directory, using Rcom, or PsiWin etc. 2) Switch your BJ-30 printer into Epson LQ emulation mode, AND THEN set Function 14 to ON to select the Graphics Character Table. The printer remembers these settings, so it is only necessary to do this once. The printer still works fine with the Windows Canon BJ-30 printer Driver supplied with the printer. [Epson LQ emulation mode was chosen for two reasons, firstly for Epson compatibility (obviously!), and secondly because it supports underlining which BJ mode doesn't. In principle it should be possible to use this Driver to drive any Epson LQ-510 compatible printer, but this hasn't been tested.] 3) Now from your Psion application select the BJ-30(LQ) printer, and the full range of fonts and emphases should now be available. Features ________ Supported fonts (as labelled on Canon printer) - Courier (mono and proportional spaced) - Prestige (mono and proportional spaced) - Gothic (mono and proportional spaced) - Script (mono and proportional spaced) - Roman (mono and proportional spaced) Supported Emphasis Styles - Normal (NN), Bold (BB), Italic (II), Underline (UU), in all fonts and all sizes. Supported font sizes - monospaced fonts Menu Actual Actual Selected Size Height Width Print (points) (points) (CPI) Mode 8 8 15 15 CPI Standard 9* 10 20 12 CPI Condensed 10 10 12 12 CPI Standard 12 12 10 10 CPI Standard 13* 12 8.5 10 CPI Condensed + DoubleWide 16 16 7.5 15 CPI DoubleHeight + DoubleWide 20 20 6 12 CPI DoubleHeight + DoubleWide 24 24 5 10 CPI DoubleHeight + DoubleWide Note: Obviously there are actually far more combinations of condensed, double height, doublewide and 10/12/15 cpi print modes available. The ones supported have been chosen to keep the aspect ratios of the characters as similar as possible, in each size. The only exceptions to this are marked with "*" above. These have been included to give a wide ranger of CPI, but do cause some anomalies in the sequence, and aren't exactly the height specified on the menu. For example Menu Size 9 is taller, but also narrower, than Size 8. It is also the same height as Size 12. Because the Psion Menu selection is based on the character height in points (1/72"), the sizes are presented in order of height, not width. (If necessary you can fine tune the line spacing in the Word application to achieve the optimum printout). Supported font sizes - proportional spaced fonts Menu Actual Actual Selected Size Height Width Print (points) (points) Factor Mode 10* 12 1 Proportional + Condensed 12 12 2 Proportional 16* 12 4 Proportional + DoubleWide 22* 24 2 Proportional + DoubleHeight 24 24 4 Proportional + DoubleHeigth + DoubleWide Note: Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible to generate as wide a range of sizes in proportional mode. The base character size seems fixed at 10 CPI in proportional mode. The proportional switch just alters the spacing between the characters. The only options left are to switch Condensed, DoubleHeight and DoubleWide on and off. The same comments apply to the Menu Sizes marked with "*" as for the monospaced fonts above. Character Sets The Driver temporarily switches the printer to code page 850 with US International character set, to match the character set on the Psion. (NB. The graphics table must be selected on the printer to get support for the full Psion character set including graphics sysmbols). The phone symbol is not supported by the printer and is printed as a "#" symbol. (Might get round to downloading a bitmap one day!). Font Types When a Word document or Speadsheet is generated, the fonts available are determined by the currently selected printer. If the printer is changed, then the original fonts may no longer be available. Under these circumstances the Psion selects new fonts of similar TYPEs. The BJ-30-LQ printer Driver contains TYPE definitions for each of the supported fonts. Because there are a wide variety of supported fonts, assignment of TYPE definitions was difficult (because duplicate TYPES are not allowed). In the absence of clear guidelines, the TYPE definitions below have been used. If anyone has any guidance on this one it would be appreciated, clearly there is scope for some improvement. Font Type Courier(mono) COURIER Courier(prop) PICA Prestige(mono) ELITE Prestige(prop) PRESTIGE Gothic(mono) GOTHIC Gothic(prop) HELVETICA Script(mono) SCRIPT Script(prop) SCRIPT_PS Roman(mono) STANDARD_ROMAN Roman(prop) TIMES_ROMAN Disclaimer Whilst reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the quality and reliability of this Driver software, it has not been possible to test every combination of font, font size, font emphasis and Psion application, (not enough paper and ink!!). The author therefore cannot accept any responsibility for data loss, faulty printout or other problems experienced when using this Driver. This Driver may be distributed as FREEWARE, preferably with this text file. Thanks are given to DavidW (presumably David Wilkinson) for his document entitled "NOTES ON PRODUCING .WDR FILES FROM .WD SOURCE FILES", without which it would not have been possible to create this Driver. If you have any comments or requests relating to this Driver, then I can be contacted by Email at the address below. Also let me know if you're using it, and that it works OK for you, (especially if you're using a different printer). Mark A.V. Chapman 28-01-96 Email: mavc@cix.compulink.co.uk