FILEVIEW v1.6 Fileview v1.6 is my third update, incorporating suggestions from other Psion users: 1 Zoom facility (larger font) 2 Wider screen view - now displays up to 79 charecters wide 3 Help button works 4 Info Line at bottom of screen 5 Now autodetects .WRD files (oops !!) The opa file is still JUST under 2k now. I am loath to put any more 'features' in, as they would increase the size and complexity of the program beyond my original intentions. But, if they are causing problems, I'll try to deal with any bugs found in the existing features - time and work permitting. INTRODUCTION Fileview is a simple file viewer, specifically writen to be used as a utility with the 3c files aplication. However, it functions perfectly well as a stand alone file viewer or can be used as an add on file viewer with other file utilities. It was written to be very small and slick - no bells and whistles. Fileview has three viewing 'modes' Text for .TXT .HTM .OPL files Pic for Psion .PIC files Binary for all other file extensions Fileview will 'autodetect' the file type passed to it for most common Psion file types. It can differentiate Psion PIC and Lotus PIC files - Lotus PIC files are treated as binary files. If a file is not recognised, you will be presented with a dialog asking whether it is a Text or Binary file. Fileview does not alter any files, it is purely a viewer. INSTALLATION After unzipping the files, copy filevu16.opa to an APP directory. Then install it by pressing Psion-I from the system screen. If you use the 3c files application or one of the other excellent shareware file managers follow their instructions for installing Fileview as a 'Utility' or file viewer. OPERATION If run from a file manager program: The file name is automatically passed to Fileview. If used standalone: Once running, select a file from the filename dialog. If the extension is recognised, it will immediately be displayed. If not, you will be presented with a dialog asking whether you want it treated as a Text or Binary file. Select Binary unless you know it is a text file. Once the file is displayed: will move on to the next screen-full of the dump will exit the dump. zooms font (and moves on to next screen) displays a help dialog 'PIC file error !' tends to mean the PIC file is too small - will only appear with VERY small PIC files (eg < 70 bytes !). FILEVIEW is copyright D W P Brown and is freeware. It was originally written for personal use. I hope you also find it useful. It is provided as is. No support is provided and no liability accepted for lost data, damage etc. However, if you have any suggestions for improvements or bug reports please drop me a line. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR DATA BEFORE TRYING A NEW PROGRAM. KNOWN BUG --------- You will get an error and your machine will do a soft reset if you try to install fileview into a 'group' on your system screen. It works perectly well when installed to the system screen. Any comments or suggestions to