JBFind (formerly Search) Version 2.7 (c)JBSoft 1992-6 with loads of help from Tom Dolbilin JBFind is a program that will search for files or text/hex within files, optionally down directory trees, across drives and within files that are open. Please report any bugs or funnies as soon as possible so that I can sort out any teething problems. Please not that all the code was written by me - Tom is the ideas man on this project. If you have any problems please direct them my way. The program is installed in the usual way by copying it to an \APP\ directory using your preferred Link program, from the System screen, pressing Psion-I and selecting JBFIND.OPA. If you do not wish to use the program as an Application but as an .OPO file, simply place it in an \OPO\ directory and rename it to JBFind.OPO. It will then run just like any other OPO file and will appear under the RunOPL icon. The first options given when running the program is whether to search for a file, to search within files or go straight to the list viewer. Next, either the filename is prompted for, or the text to search for within files. If Search Within was selected then an option for case sensitivity is also available. Filenames permit wildcards (e.g. AGENDA.*). If you require a Hex search then input the Hex digits preceded by the `$' character and make sure that each digit comprises of two characters (e.g. $AB010020 would mean search for the digits AB 01 00 20). The Hex stream will be converted to ASCII characters and the search will actually look for that string. You may keep a space between the hex characters if you wish but you should only use `$' at the start of the search string and _not_ before each Hex value. The drives to search are also selected at this stage - the choices are individual (A/B/M/ROM), selected (Choose), all (Every) drives or down a directory tree (Tree). The program is intelligent and only offers drives that exist. To select Choose or Tree select the option, keep the cursor on that line and press Enter. Although ROM:: has been included it is only implemented as a stand- alone search and cannot be included with other drives at present. If Choose is selected an additional dialog is given - push the buttons of the drives you wish to include in the search (a tick will appear to show selection). The buttons act as a toggle so deselection is also possible. Once the drive selection has been completed, press Escape and you will return to the previous dialog. Press Enter and the search will start. If the Tree option is chosen a dialog will be shown which allows a directory and drive to be chosen. This will be the start point for the search. To choose a directory you use Tab to enter the file system and then navigate to the desired start point. Once there, press Enter and the dialog will be automatically filled in. Sound can be chosen on the main dialog - the options are No/Yes or just beep On completion of the search - the default is sound off (No). If enabled (Yes), the computer will beep when files are found or if there is a problem. Closing Apps ------------ If searching within files has been selected then an option is included to enable the search of all files or only closed files. There are actually three options - All / Only Closed / Partial. If the All option is selected then all open Applications are closed before the search and opened up afterwards (if possible, any unsaved alterations will be saved when closing). Partial will only close those applications that have associated datafiles (e.g. Data, Agenda and Word). There is a limit as to how files can be opened up so, if you are in a Memo within the Agenda, after the search has ended you will be in the Agenda proper rather than the Memo. Also, with the Agenda, Data and other such files, although the application will be opened, you will not necessarily end up at the point at which you left it. In the Agenda the program will attempt to open you in the view (e.g. Day or Week) mode you left the Agenda in but, if your datafile takes more than 5 seconds to load you will end up in the Day mode regardless of which mode you were in originally. I have tried to keep the various guises of Word correct (e.g. Program and Word) but there may be occasions when the file is opened in the wrong mode. If you come across this please let me know and I will endeavour to rectify the situation. At present, it seems to work in every mode that I use. If only Closed or Partial files are chosen then any files that could not be searched will be displayed briefly as the program runs. When the option to save the results to a file has been taken then these unchecked files are also written to the file at the end of the list of found files. Filenames that match or contain the text being searched for are displayed in a window as the search progresses. It is possible to terminate the search early by pressing Escape. When the search is completed the list of files found or files that contained the search string are displayed in a simple viewer. Use the cursor controls to move around this list. A menu is available for additional options at this stage. N.B. If Word files are password protected then JBFind will fail to find the data - this is not a fault of JBFind but due to Word encryption which is activated when Password protection is used. Search Data ----------- If search within was used then, on pressing Psion-I, some details of the find are shown. This shows where the string was found within the file and the part of the file that included the search string. Psion-I is a toggle - press it again to remove the information. New Search ---------- A new search can be started by pressing Psion-F. This option will ignore all currently found data and start again from scratch. Narrow Search ------------- It is possible to narrow down the search once the initial search has ended by pressing Psion-N. This will prompt for a new search string and the options to search For or In a file. If In a file is selected then, if the files are not already closed, an option will be given to search within only closed files or all files. This works in the same way as the main search routine. An additional option is to deselect files found so the list shown after the Narrow search will show less the files found on the last search (e.g. If original list was a file search for *.OP? then an excluding search of *.OPL will leave just OPO and OPA files). N.B. The list of files previously found is not will not normally kept - although, if a narrow search does not find any matching files, the previous list is shown with the comment that no files were found. Launch file ----------- Psion-L (or Enter) will attempt to launch the highlighted file. When a file is launched and the Application is a built-in one, then the Find routine for that application should be accessed (all things being equal - they very rarely are), leaving you at the find position of the data within the file. You can also configure the program to open other applications using Psion-C to configure a database. The database used is the same as that for JBTree so, if you also use that program, any apps configured for use in JBTree will be automatically configured for JBFind. If the datafile doesn't already exist then it is automatically created on the drive of your choice in an \APP\JBTREE\ directory. There are four fields in the file: 1. Extension - this is the extension the launch utility will use to determine which database record in JBTREE.DBF to use. When launching a file the database is searched for an extension which matches that of the file to launch. 2. Run filename - this is the program to run in conjunction with the file selected (e.g. WRD extension should use ROM::WORD.APP). Any OPO or OPA file should use ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG. 3. Extra filename - This field is for use with OPA files that use file lists (e.g. Notepad). If this field is used then it is probable that the Run filename will be ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG. 4. Alias Info - currently the only program that would use this field is WORD unless there is a 3rd party application of which I am unaware. The two .ALS files (PROGRAM and SCRIPT) in the ROM should not be called explicitly - they are loaded as required according to the alias data. Briefly: The first letter specifies Program or Script (either O or S) - the second letter specifies if RUN is allowed and the next three letters give both the top directory any compiled programs are placed in and also the files extension. A text editor can be started by using the alias character of $. View in Hex Viewer ------------------ Psion-H will take you to a Hex viewer and, eventually, the search string will be found in this hex viewer. Although this viewer has been taken from JBTree, I have disabled the Edit function so this guise will only act as a viewer. To exit the viewer use Psion-X. Delete file ----------- Psion-D will produce a dialog box which will enable you to delete the currently highlighted file. Be careful with this command as there is no way back once `Y' is pressed as a response to whether you wish to delete the file or not. Exclude File ------------ Psion-R will remove the currently highlighted file from the list (but will not delete the file). Sort List --------- An option to sort the list of found files is available - use Psion-S to access this option. It is possible to select a sort on the Filename, the Extension to the file, the Directory and the Drive. Save List --------- The list of found files can be saved to a text file using Shift-Psion- S. The default file is M:\FIND.DAT but can be altered to anything you wish. Load List --------- A previously saved list can be reloaded using the command Shift-Psion- L. Before loading the file this checks that the list is one created earlier with JBFind otherwise an error is displayed. Delete List file ---------------- Shift-Psion-D will delete a previously saved list of found files. This command works in exactly the same way as Psion-D but starts off by defaulting to M:\FIND.DAT. Other keys ---------- Psion-A will produce an About screen. To terminate the program use Psion-X. Limitations ----------- There are limitations - these are the one's I've thought about! 999 - Maximum Finds per search 254 - Maximum Search string length 56k - RAM required for File search (approximate) 68k - RAM required for In File search (approximate) plus there is a requirement for RAM for filename storage - this is not predictable. If you come across any other limitations please let me know and I'll adjust the program or the documentation accordingly. Miscellaneous Information ------------------------- One file may be temporarily created during the operation of this program - in the Root directory of the M: (Internal) drive. This is to keep a note of the files that have been closed when searching all files (this file is not created unless the Search All Files option is selected). This filename is SELECT.DAT. If the program crashes this file may still exist but can be deleted with no problems. I hope this program is what people want - if not, please let me know and I'll see what I can do... Thanks ------ My profound thanks to Tom Dolbilin for his continued assistance with my programming - his comments are what make my programs pretty and usable. The code was written by me - the interface look is primarily Tom's. Any remaining bugs are mine alone (I collect them you know ). Don't blame Tom for anything - blame me! Thank you also to Ian Greaves who suggested the Hex view. Version 2.0 (4/4/94) ----------- 1st public release Version 2.1 (5/4/94) ----------- Added option for Case sensitive searching within files. Added option to switch off beeps when searching. Now finds all files as specified rather than just the first one in any directory. Fixed Search within files so that it actually works properly now! Reduced RAM overhead needed to run the file. More rigorous checking of available drives whilst the program is running. Version 2.2 (13/4/94) ----------- Rewrote the search routines to account for Data files and to clean up the wildcard searches. Added an internal viewer for matches. Added information on finds within files. Added ability to launch some files. Added ability to have the launched files display the find (internal applications only). Added ability to delete a file. Now can start a new search from within the program. Allows for a narrowing of the search using only found files. Version 2.3 (8/6/94) ----------- Missed Psion-S from documentation with version 2.2. Changed interface to pretty things up a bit. Changed display of Search Information within a file. Save to file option deleted from opening dialog - only available on Menu at end of search now. Able to select drives for searching independently now. Load file list added to Menu. Sort a list now available. Exclusion options added to the Narrow Search. Remove a file (without deleting it) from the list added. Ability to go straight to View List screen without search added. Tries to open Agenda in the view mode that was current when closed. Added ability to search a tree. Added option to delete a saved file list. Now opens up in the correct Word mode after closing down files. Version 2.3a (11/6/94) ------------ Fixed `terminal' bug in search within. Version 2.4 (1/7/94) ----------- Spy now reports the program as JBFind (not SYS$PRGO) Added Hex search. Added search of ROM drive. Fixed not searching Directories with extension (it treated them as files) Fixed program thinking Files with no extension were directories! Fixed problem of starting a new search producing an error occasionally. Version 2.4a (26/9/94) ------------ Fixed problem of saved list not loading if it was a file list rather than a within file list. 21/1/95 Renamed from Search to JBFind. Version 2.4b (26/1/95) ------------ Fixed problem of application hanging when closing other applications. Version 2.5 (1/2/95) ----------- Added Hex viewer. Version 2.6 ----------- Added ability to launch non-internal applications. Improved closedown and re-opening of programs erring on the side of caution. Version 2.7b ------------ Improved launching of non-internal applications. Fixed a couple of bugs to do with launching. Version 2.7c ------------ Fixed a problem with Jump within Hex viewer. Fixed a few things so it should work fine in any S3c. Fixed the beep sounding on every find even when set to completion. Fixed launching of found files in the ROM (didn't work). Fixed crashing of program when no files found and certain actions tried. Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX/Internet: jboyce@cix.compulink.co.uk