BROOKLYN SOFTWARE PRESENTS -------------------------- BROOKLYN JOIN-FILE (c) ---------------------- WHAT IS JOINFILE ? Join file is a utility that allows the user to zip several files into a single neat file which can then be stored away. When the files are then required again, they can be unzipped quickly and easily by use of this utility. Join File is very small (under 2Kb), and is extremely easy to use, even for beginners. USES OF JOINFILE:- 1) Several files that must be kept together (ie. for an application) may be zipped together and then compressed using a compression utility (eg. MEGASTOR-available in all good shareware libraries). This saves the need to compress and uncompress them seperately and provides a PSION equivalent to PKZIP. Also the space of a compressed file that has already been zipped by JOINFILE, is less than that taken up by compressing them separately. 2) If you are a shareware programmer, you can obtain the source code of JOINFILE (see below for details). You will then be able to use JOINFILE in your own program to automatically install the files onto the users machine. INSTALLATION To install joinfile, simply copy the file into the \OPO\ directory and run as with any other program. FILE FORMATS JOINFILE writes each file to the ouput file in the following way:- BYTES 1-128 String containing the name of the file BYTES 129-133 Long Integer containing the file size in bytes BYTES 134-... The File itself USING BROOKLYN JOIN-FILE Use of this software is self explanitory, simply follow the prompts on the dialogs that appear. WARNING Be careful to backup important files before using this program as Brooklyn Software accepts no responsibility for loss of data due to any unforseen software failiures. LEGAL NOTES All rights reserved. No part of this program may be used in seperate programs without prior authorisation (see below). FINAL NOTES:- To obtain a copy of the source code for use in your own programs send a cheque of 5 pounds (payable to Brooklyn Software) + a cover letter saying whether you wish to recieve the file: on floppy disk or as a print out to:- Brooklyn Software 43 Douglas Road Hollywood Birmingham B47 5JY To obtain details of current or future Brookly Software products, or to make comments or suggestions please write to the above address.