Memopad V 1.57 Copyright - Tristan Bonsall. April 1997 Have you ever needed to jot down a short message or phone number and not had any paper to hand? Did you try to use your Psion to write a note and had to create an entire word processor document? If you answered yes to either of the above questions, then this is the program you have been looking for. It is as many memo pads as you like in one small box. No more loose post-its and scraps of paper. - With this program, you can attach phone numbers for dialling when needed and sounds for voice messages. - Each memo is automatically date stamped for ease of filing. - It is much more RAM economical. A short ten word word processor document is around 500-1000 bytes. The equivalent in Memopad is 100 bytes. The keys. DELETE - Delete the displayed memo. MENU - Display the menu. LEFT / RIGHT - Flip through the pad. PSION + LEFT / RIGHT - Go to beginning / end of the pad. DIAMOND - List view. HELP - Help The screen. The first 5 lines of the memo are what you type in. The last line is the automatic time/date stamp. The number in the middle at the bottom of the pad is the page number and the word next to it is the pad name. The two pictures in grey in the top right of the pad are to say if there is a sound or phone number attached to the current memo. If there is, the respective picture will become highlighted in black. The menus. Pad. - New. Create a new pad. - Open. Open an existing pad. - Print. Print the whole pad to a parallel printer. - Exit. Exit the program. Page. - Edit. Edit the displayed memo. - Delete. Delete the displayed memo. - Print. Print the current memo to a parallel printer. Search. - Find. Search for text string in the current pad. - Find again. Continue the search after the string has been found. Special. - Register. Enter the registration code. - About. Information about the program. For registered users. Sound. - Attach. Attach a prerecorded sound from a directory of your choice (default is \WVE but can be changed in preferences). - Play. Play an attached sound. - Record (current). This will record a sound 10 seconds long or until a key is pressed. It is attached to the currently displayed memo. The files are stored in the \WVE directory with the names MP#.WVE where the # is sequential. - Record (new). This will do the same as Record (current) except it will record to a new memo and add the words 'Sound memo' to the first line. - Remove. Remove an attached sound. NB. Please note that removing a recorded sound will not delete it. It will remain in the \WVE directory until you delete it. Phone. - Attach. Attach a phone number. - Dial. Dial an attached phone number. - Remove. Remove an attached phone number. Also, unregistered users are restricted to 10 memos per pad. There is no restriction for registered users. Text entry. Type in the text you want. It will wrap at the end of the line. ENTER moves down a line. DELETE deletes the last character. TAB saves changes (also, if you press ENTER off the last line, the memo will save). List view. Pressing the diamond key brings up a list of first lines. Use UP and DOWN to scroll the list and PGUP and PGDN to scroll in larger steps. Press ESC to leave without selecting a memo. Press ENTER or DIAMOND to select the underlind memo and view it. Installation. The directories \APP, \MEMO and \MEMO\PADS need to be created on any disk. V157.OPA needs to go into the \APP directory. MEMOPAD.PIC, SOUND.PIC and PHONE.PIC need to go into \MEMO on any drive. If you have a Flash RAM disk, I recommend that they are put on here. The \MEMO\PADS directory is the one that is used to store the pads. It is not a good idea to put this on a Flash SSD because the files are constantly changed so the SSd will fill up quickly. Either put them on a RAM SSD or the internal disk. To install the program on the system screen, go to System, press Psion + I and select the V157.OPA and press enter. Upgrading from version 1.00 or 1.12 Delete the files called MEMOPAD.PIC and MEMOPAD.INI from the \MEMO directory. Copy the MEMOPAD.REG file to the \OPD directory (for registered users). Copy the V157.OPA file to the \APP directory, remove the old icon from the system screen by using Psion + / and install the new one using Psion - I Registration. If you like this program and wish to continue using it, you can register it in two ways. 1 - If you have access to CompuServe, you can register it on SWREG #14465 for $12.00 2 - You can send me a cheque for £6.50 sterling to Tristan Bonsall, The Old Coach House, Foxhill, Petworth, W Sussex, GU28 0HE. ENGLAND. For this money, you will be sent a unique code to unlock the registered features of the program. You will have no limit on the number of pages in a pad, you will be able to attach sounds and phone numbers and you will be notified of new releases which will be covered by the original cost. If you have an E - mail address, it will make it easier to send you the code so please tell me. Any comments or bug reports are welcome. I have two e-mail addresses. Either will work. You could also visit my web site at Program history. V 1.00 - Original release. V 1.12 - Sound attachment bugs cleared up. - Now works on any drive. - Parallel printing for one page or whole pad. V 1.24 - Removal of 17KB picture file. - Added a time stamp. - Easier 'word processor' style text entry. V 1.46 - A cursor in the text entry screen has been included. - New, longer pad for more space. - List view to find a particular memo. V 1.57 - Removed slight visual bug. - Added sound recording to current and new memos.