********************************************************* This is a copy of TimeMan v4.00F for the Psion S3a/3c ONLY. It is a SHAREWARE program which houses many useful functions and utilities under one easy to use shell. THE AUTHOR (P.K.Spencer of Aylesbury, England) SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR TO YOU OR YOUR SYSTEM AS A RESULT OF USING OR ATTEMPTING TO USE THIS PROGRAM. ********************************************************* IMPORTANT NOTE: TimeMan will NOT run on the Psion Siena due to the smaller screen size. INSIDE THE ZIP *************** Timeman.opa (Program file) - ESSENTIAL Timeman.hlp (Help file) - Very useful Tmfiles.ovl (File Manager module) - Very useful Tmconv.ovl (Conversions module) - Very useful (needs Timeman.cnv) Timeman.cnv (Conversions Data) - Very useful (needs Tmconv.ovl) Timeman.txt (this file) - Delete after reading it ********************************************************** * VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!! * ********************************************************** Please install the on-line help as this is a very in-depth guide to all of the programs features. I don't like long read me files because people tend to just skip them and end up not knowing how to use the program. To this end I've tried to keep this file as short and as small as possible. This means that none of the features are explained and that there is no in-depth "how to use me" guide. However, all of this is in the file "Timeman.hlp" and if you want to know how to use TimeMan then you NEED to install the help, after all, once you get the hang of it the help can be deleted later! NEW USER INSTALLATION ********************* Put TimeMan.opa in the \APP directory on any drive. Then create a directory of \TIMEMAN\ in the root of *any* drive (eg A:\TIMEMAN). Into this, put any of the optional files from: Timeman.hlp Tmfiles.ovl Tmconv.ovl Timeman.cnv Although it's easier to keep track of files if all of the above are in the same \TIMEMAN directory, you *can* have them in different places. For instance, you may only just have enough room on an SSD for Timeman.opa and Timeman.hlp, but you want to use the optional modules too. In this case, the .opa file goes in the \APP directory on the SSD, the .hlp file goes in the \TIMEAN directory on the SSD, but you *could* put the 3 remaining files in \TIMEMAN on either a new SSD or the Internal drive!!!! All this sounds complicated, but it does allow TimeMan to be even more flexible! Once the files are in place, install Timeman using Psion+I from the System Screen. Files called "Timeman.ini" and "Reminder.ini" will be created in a \TIMEMAN directory of the Internal drive WHETHER YOU INSTALL THE OPTIONAL FILES THERE OR NOT. Although this sounds odd, it makes sense since these .ini files change quite often. If they were placed onto an SSD whcih happened to be FLASH, there would be a lot of wasted space! UPGRADING FORM EARLIER VERSIONS ******************************* To do this, you must very simply do the following. Overwrite the old TimeMan.opa file! Then, install the optional modules as if you were a new user (see above). Remember, your old help file can now go on any drive's \TIMEMAN directory. When you first run TimeMan, the Upgrade Tracker (v3.05F) will take care of all your settings. If you're upgrading from v3.6F, all of your old settings can be kept. If you're upgrading from an earlier version, then sorry, but all settings in Timeman.ini will be lost. RevTran ********* This program has been protected against reverse-translation to the best of my abilities and ANY ATTEMPT TO HACK AND/OR REVERSE-TRANSLATE THIS PROGRAM IN ANY WAY IS IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW! About the Prog ************** I wrote this prog because I wanted to have a collection of generally useful utilities all under one easy to use shell where I could get access to them at any time. This also brought with it the added plus of only having one application for all these "small" things instead of 10 or 20! After much development (spending far much more time than I should have done on the code), I thought that the program was in a good enough state to be publically released, and more importantly, to be of use to other 3a/3c users. Now, TimeMan has become a sort of "Swiss Army Knife" of applications, with many, many very useful features all grouped under 1 shell. About the Author **************** I'm called Phil Spencer and I'm 16 years old from Aylesbury, England. I have limited OPL experience (started about a year and a half ago) but am learning new things each day. I'm *very* pleased with this version of TimeMan, and I'm sure you will be too. That's all you need to know really! This version appears to have no bugs but if you find any or have any comments/suggestions for future versions then I welcome your input either by: E-Mail on nicko@nildram.co.uk or 106023,676 on CIS OR by Snail-Mail at : 10 Prebendal Court Oxford Road Aylesbury Bucks HP19 3EY Updates of TimeMan can be found on my web page at: http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~nicko/index.htm Disabled Features ****************** In the unregistered version I have kept back a few items as an incentive for you to register. Firstly there are some nag screens that appear on start/exit, next you can only have analog clocks and not digital, so this also means that the new "Large digital clock" feature is disabled! Apart from this, the rest of the program is fully working so use, enjoy, REGISTER :-) Registering *********** TimeMan v4.00F is distributed as Shareware. To register the program on Compuserve, GO SWREG 11633, otherwise you must: Send 10 UK Pounds/18 US Dollars OR a foreign currency equivalent PLUS 10% to my Snail-Mail address with either your E-Mail address or with a an SAE. This will enable me to send you your personalised Key-Code to unlock the program's features and banish the nags forever. When registered you will be entitled to any future upgrades FREE, if you have web access then you'll be able to get new releases off my web site *before* they're released to anywhere else! You also get a direct say in future developments and more importantly a clear conscience! 10 UKP isn't a lot to register and it'll help me develop future versions (and other programs). I don't have much time free as I'm doing my GCSE's so I need an incentive :-) Thanks to...(in no real order) ****************************** My whole-hearted thanks goto FRANCIS CREESE (Datalink BBS) for his excellent support and for testing some of my earlier copies and making suggestions, also for his memory checker code. Without all of his help I could never have got the program into such an acceptable state. I would also like to thank STEVE LITCHFIELD for his help and suggestions. ALEX WILBUR and JOHN BOYCE were both also a great help in providing me with bits of code for a)Quick Calc and b)Launching Draw, repectively. TOM DOLBILIN was extremely helpful and really great in letting me have some of his advanced code to launch applications. And ALAN CLIFFORD helped me out of some very ticky situations - getting me a working, efficient access system to the World data and also with some date/time functions. STEVE GODFREY provided the brilliant new way to draw clocks in OPL (not with gCLOCK). And last (but by no means least!), I am also deeply indebted to BRENDAN BREEDE for the code to save/restore System settings (from his SARCon program) which he let me use and also for showing me how to do the new settings file format. Thanks! These other kind souls also deserve a mention: * Bill Belfield - For the numerical bases convertor * Roger Muggleton - For the code to "Touch" the time/date for a file (in File Manager) * My Beta Testers - Thanks Work Guys (and Gal)! Other Programs by the Author: ***************************** I now have quite a few programs out - please visit my web site where you can find: 1) TimeMan updates 2) "Just What I Need" (JWIN) 3) Launch Pad 4) PassApps and some freeware programs too! TimeMan's History ***************** Since TimeMan has now gone through many releases and revisions, it's history list is very long! So, to keep this readme file's size down as well as the size of the distribution .zip file, I've left the history out. If you're really that bothered, or even just mildly interested ;-) then I've put it "on-line" as a special page from my web site. Please pay it a visit if you can! Version 4.00F - Copyright (C) P.K.Spencer 1996-1997, All rights reserved RELEASED Saturday 12th of July 1997 P.K.Spencer