AutoRun Overview AutoRun is a program to start (and stop) other programs. Whenever the Psion is switched on, Autorun will read a control file and perform the defined actions. These may depend on the day and time, and sophisticated rules can be built up to tailor the Installation The following files should be copied onto your system : \opo\autorun.opo \dat\autorun.dbf [can be placed in \opd instead] \txt\autorun.txt [this file, optional] Data and program files can be placed on any disk. For a full installation, with PsiWin just drag the whole directory structure across to the root directory of the psion, or you can use PsiZip to extract all files from the zip file in the root directory. Startup Autorun using the Run-OPL icon. Upgrading from previous versions If you have AutoRun 1.03, you can either replace the autorun.dbf file, or manually edit your existing one. In the latter case, you'll need to add a single line (with label LastRun) between the existing alias and notes fields. You will also have to edit any record with notes, to add a corresponding empty line at that point within the data. From versions prior to 1.03 it is best to start from scratch. The file m:\opd\autorun.dat is no longer used and may be deleted. Control File Format The control file is a simply a data file (ie a file which can be editted using data). This file (autorun.dbf) may be located in either /dat/ or /opd/ on any drive. The former allows you to edit it from the system screen, the latter hides it - autorun itself can be used to edit it. The control file fields : Name: Name of the process to be started. This should be capitalised (ie all but initial letter in lower case) to ensure any assigned hot-keys work (to switch to that application.) Program: Full path of program to execute. This field may contain variables as documented below. Filename: Full path of the datafile to load. This field may contain variables as documented below. There can be multiple records with the same Name and Program, and different Filenames to allow you to load different files for editting. AutoRun will recognise which ones are already running and which one are not. Action: Start - Start a process on power-up (in the background) Stop - Stop a process if it is running Beware when stopping processes that they are killed - and this should only be used if you are confident that there will be no data loss. Fore - Start (if not already) and put it in the foreground. Auto - This will start the process if the current time falls within the time field definition (see below). Otherwise, if the process is running it will be stopped. Note the warning given in the Stop action, above. It only makes sense to have one entry with a Fore action (if any) at any particular time. You could have, for instance, different fore actions for night and day. The Auto action enables you to consolidate mutiple start and stop actions in required in previous versions of AutoRun. When: (this deals with days only, not times) Always - Every time Psion is powered up In fact this is the default, and can be left blank. Work - on a work day (as defined in Time) Not Work - not on a work day Mon,Tue..- on these days only. (Cannot be mixed with 'Work' and 'Not Work'.) Once - Just once on the chosen days. 'Once' may be specified along side any other 'when' option. Never - To disable an entry. Times: hh:mm-hh:mm The record is valid only between the specified times - which must be in the format above. One of the times may also be omitted (eg "-20:30" means before 2030). If this field is blank, the record is active at all times of the day. For Auto records, the Start action is performed if the current time falls within the times specified, and the Stop action is performed outside those times. Alias: Permits alias information to be supplied to the program - useful for all sorts of reasons. eg J is used to tell data to use the Jotter format on a 3c. Variables The Program and Filename fields permit variables (or "macroes") to be used, which are automatically expanded by Autorun. This allows you to execute different programs each day, for instance, with a single AutoRun definition record ... or to execute a program with different filenames. (eg a different timesheet each week.) Valid macroes are as follows : %yr - 4 digit year %yy - 2 digit year %mm - 2 digit month %dd - 2 digit day of month %hh - 2 digit hour %ii - 2 digit minute %ss - 2 digit second %mn - 3 char month %dw - 1 digit day of week %dy - 3 char day of week %wk - 2 digit week of year See the supplied data file for examples of valid entries. Advanced Uses of AutoRun: It is possible to perform more elaborate processing to select filenames, for instance, by invoking a wrapper program, which in turn starts the required OPO, OPA or APP with the appropriate parameters. An example piece of OPL source is included, ARLAUNCH, which does just that. Further notes are included within that example code. Beware, however, that the name specified in the control file should correspond to the name of the real process, not the wrapper, if AutoRun is to successfully recognise that the program is already running. Registration Autorun is shareware. If you like it, and find it useful, please send a donation of any amount you feel fit to the address below. Thanks for supporting the product : Mike Smith 118 Leake Road Gotham Nottingham NG11 0JN