Calendar Notes for Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx Version 2.1 9th October 1999 Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Bister Introduction. Calendar Notes is a monthly calendar with the facility to attach day notes to any calendar date to remind one of forthcoming events, general reminders or things to do. All notes and appointments etc for the day are automatically sorted into one of four catagories and neatly displayed on a note pad screen. Meetings and appointments are displayed in time order. Calendar Notes has a range of features including note editing and automatic note tidying to make the management of notes easier and to lessen the possibility of an important note being forgotten! You may view any monthly calendar to year 2155, and for any calendar date, any number of notes may be attached (up to memory restrictions). The program correctly recognises leap years for year 2000 and beyond. Calendar Notes is not intended to replace the excellent Agenda application built in to the Psion - the interface and operation is entirely different. You may find that you prefer to use Calendar Notes as well as Agenda, keeping different type of notes on each application. The Calendar Notes application makes a handy palmtop companion to have with you at all times! Copyright. Calendar Notes is copyright (C) 1999 Philip Bister. All rights reserved. Reverse engineering/translation is prohibited. Unsupported freeware. This program is released as unsupported freeware. The author regrets that he cannot enter into correspondence and therefore a contact address is not given. However, this is not to say that updated versions would not be released from time to time via the 3-Lib library. Distribution. This version is freeware and may be distributed by any means, eg. floppy disk, CD ROM, SSD, provided that all of the documentation and any associated files are included and unaltered. Disclaimer. This software is supplied 'as is'. Every effort has been made to ensure that the application is free from errors. However, no software author can guarantee it. The author takes no responsibility as to the suitability of this products intended purpose, or for the accuracy of the data contained within it, or for any consequences which may occur as a result of a malfunction of this software. You must use this software at your own risk. What's new in version 2.1 * The Day Note pad is now headed by tabs - and all notes are sorted according to the tab headings. * Users can arrange the tab order to his/her own preference. * Meetings and appointments now have start times set by dialog. * All meetings/appointments are displayed in time order. * New jump to month feature - jumps to any month within current year. * All references to Vacation has now been changed to Holiday. * Corrected a small bug in the updating code for to do notes. * Wordprocessing code completely re-written. * Maximum characters for day notes increased from 60 to 90. * Pressing Entry key allows more intuitive note entry. * Pressing Entry in edit mode allows more intuitive note editing. * Some minor improvements have also been made, including the control over the screen printing of notes. Upgrading from version 1.x Calendar Notes version 2.x does require the use of a different database structure from the prevous versions. If you wish to use your existing notes with v2.x, you will have to intall and run the upgrader application. Upgrader v1.0 has been included in the folder supplied with this version of Calendar Notes, and will copy over all your existing day notes to the new database structure. The orginal database will be left intact! To make the conversion instal and RUN UPGRADER ONCE ONLY. Upgrader will display an on screen report of the upgrading process. Once the conversion has been made, the Upgrader application can be removed from your machine as it's no longer required. Installation. The Calndr21 folder should contain the following files: \WRD\Calendar.txt plain text document file \OPD\Calendar.rsc help resource file \APP\Calndr21.opa the application You should ensure that the above files are correctly copied into the relevant directories as shown. Install the application by using Psion-I. The following application and text file is included for users wishing to Upgrade their existing version 1.x calendar notes: \APP\Upgrader.opa Upgrader application. \WRD\Upgrader.txt Upgrader text file. Instal Upgrader by using Psion-I. See the text file Upgrader.txt for more information. Keyboard controls (calendar mode). Enter: Create a new note for the highlighted day. Pg Up: Advances monthly calendar by one year. Pg Dn: Displays previous year. End: Advances calendar by one month. Home: Displays previous month. Up/Dn/Left/Right cursor keys move calendar cursor from one day to the next. Diamond key: Scrolls day notes. Tab: Activates each tab in turn moving from left to right. Help: Displays on-line help (provided Calendar.rsc is present on a drive) All other controls may be accessed by the menu. Keyboard controls (edit mode). Enter: Edits displayed entry. Delete: Deletes displayed entry. Diamond key: Scrolls day notes. Menu options. Calendar menu card: New Notes: Psion N Create a new note for the highlighted day. Edit/Delete: Shift Psion E Edit/delete mode. Jump to month: Psion J Jumps to any month within current year. Exit: Psion X Exits the program Info menu card: About: Psion A About this application. Author & version number. Preferences: Psion P Set user preferences The edit mode menu: Next note: Psion N Scrolls to the next day note Edit note: Psion E Edit displayed day note Pressing Enter key in edit mode, also allows editing of displayed entry. Delete note: Psion D Delete displayed day note Exit Edit Mode: Psion X Go back to the main calendar/daynotes screen. Finding your way around. Calendar Notes screen. When Calendar Notes starts up, you will be presented with the current monthly calendar. Today's date will be highlighted in grey, and the calendar cursor will be set on today's date. The calendar is headed with the current month and year. The week number is also shown. The keyboard cursor keys will move the cursor around the calendar. Notice that by moving from one week to the next the week number changes. The End key advances the calendar by 1 month. The Home key moves to the previous month. The Pg Up key advances calendar by one year. Pg Dn key goes back to the previous year. To the right of the calendar screen, a day note pad is shown, headed by four tabs. One of the tabs will be highlighted. Calendar Notes will place notes on the screen in its catagory under the relevant highlighted tab. Move from one tab to the other by pressing the tab key. See the section on viewing day notes for more information on tab operation. Creating a day note. Use the cursor keys to navigate to a date to attach a day note to. Create a day note by Psion N or by using the menu, or simply press the Enter key. Type your note and select a category from the choice given (pressing Tab when on the Note Type field will display the choices). When finished, press enter to confirm the dialog. The day note pad will display your new day note under the relevant highlighted tab. The calendar screen will refresh, and the calendar cursor will return to the last used position in the calendar grid. The day note screen will be updated. By the 'title' of each day note, a tick box will be shown. Initially, each new day note will be unticked. The purpose of this is rather than delete each task as they are completed, they may just be ticked as complete. Notice that on the calendar a symbol has appeared to the top right of the date that was highlighted when the note was made. The symbols indicate day notes and enable you to see at a glance where all your notes are! The symbols. Calendar Notes uses a range of symbols to indicate the type of notes that are present, and are displayed on the monthly Calendar. Basic symbols are displayed to the left of the day number on the calendar. A hollow rectangle indicates a general daynote, and a solid rectangle indicates a holiday. Extra symbols can be used also, and are displayed to the right of the day number on the calendar. Two horizontal dots indicates an anniversary, and a shaded rectangle to indicate meetings. The user can switch the extra symbols off from the preferences menu. When extra symbols are switched off just two basic symbols will then be used - a solid rectangle for holidays and a hollow rectangle for all other day notes. Tab symbols In order to see at a glance which tabs contain day notes for a particular day, a dark bar is displayed to the top right of a tab. Viewing day notes. Move the cursor to where the day note symbols are shown, and all your notes for that day will be arranged into catagories and displayed under the tab appertaining to its catagory. The current highlighted tab is the active tab. If day notes are present on a tab a tab symbol will be shown to the top right of a tab. Pressing the Tab key on the keyboard will activate a tab. Calendar Notes will jump to the next tab displaying a tab symbol. If no tab symbols are shown, the tab highlight will not move. Calendar Notes will always try to fit as many notes as possible on the screen. If there are too many notes for the screen, pressing the diamond key will display notes a screen at a time. As you complete your tasks, you may tick them as complete. The tick boxes will then show as ticked against completed tasks. Tick completed tasks through the edit option. You may also mark a note with a 'x' to indicate that it's due to be deleted. Calendar Notes will automatically delete notes marked with an 'x' when daynotes are tidied. Until that happens you occasionally may see some notes marked in that way. Editing notes. To Edit or delete a note, move the cursor on to the day where the note would be. Activate the note pad tab where the note to be edited will be displayed. Psion Shift E moves to the editing screen. Navigate to the note you wish to change or delete by Psion Shift N (Next Note), or by using the Pg Dn key or diamond key. Psion E or Psion D allows editing or deletion. Note, that you may press the Enter key when in edit mode to edit the currently displayed note. Pressing the delete key allows the displayed note to be deleted. Alternatively, change the completed task to 'Yes', to tick it's tick box. If you wish to delete the note, set the completed task to 'delete' (pressing TAB will display all the options). Exit the edit mode to go back to the calendar and day notes screen. Tabs in order? The four note pad tabs can be displayed in the order of your preference. The order can be changed from the preferences menu. This is an important feature of Calendar Notes. As each tab is activated in turn from the left by pressing the tab key, and tab priority is always given to the left tab on start-up. You may wish to arrange the most used tab on the left, and the remainder in decending importance. For example if you go to a lot of meetings, why not make the first tab the meetings tab? Then all your meetings for the day will be displayed on start-up. Automatic tidy. There is no need to delete individual notes as they become old. Calendar Notes scans for old notes each time the display is refreshed. By default, day notes are kept for 28 days, but the user may change this from the preferences menu. All notes older than 28 days (or the user's set limit) will be deleted. If there are any unchecked To-do notes left over from a previous day, they will be brought forward to the present day - so you will always be sure of seeing all your uncompleted tasks for today on startup. Date & clock display. The small screen displayed at all times above the calendar shows todays date and current time according to the Series 3 internal clock. Always exit when finished! Calendar Notes relies on automatic tidying to keep un-required notes and consumed memory to a minimum. Be sure to exit when finished using Calendar notes at the end of each day or work session. Future versions. Will Calendar Notes be supported in the future? The next major development stage for this application is to create a version to run on the Series 5 range, although an occasional Series 3 updates may still be released. So, Calendar Notes is very much an ongoing project. Keep a look-out for the next release!