*** Info for Look4it v.1.1 - 11 November 1997 *** *** Look4it is also available for the Psion S5 *** Look4it is a small macro for Tom Dolbilin's MacSys program for the Psion 3a and 3c. There are other macros available that more or less do the same trick, but I designed Look4it initially as a plug-in of my abbreviation and text manipulation macro ExAb. However, Look4it also functions as a stand-alone macro when installed under its own hot-key. Look4it locates words ending with the ":" character in selected text strings. It opens the database ADDRESS.DBF and presents the first record containing the located text string (without the ":"). exits the database and returns you to the file from where Look4it was started. This enables a quick hot-key access to additional data relating to the selection, from within WORD, DATA, AGENDA or SHEET. Thus, hot-keying on your AGENDA item "Phone Bill: and Hillary" will present the first record from your address database containing the string "Bill". For words without the ":" at the end Look4it searches database NOTES.DBF. Both default database filenames may be changed to filenames you prefer. Therefore, change LOOK4IT.MCR according to the instructions at the top of the MCR file. Install Look4it by transferring the file to a \MACRO\MCR\ directory and translate the source file using MACRO. The macro assumes that you have a database called ADDRESS.DBF installed on your Psion. If it cannot find this database Look4it will not function. You may change this database name into any other name by modifying the corresponding line in LOOK4IT.MCR. Don't hesitate to e-mail me in case you need any help. Look4it is Freeware. I will not be responsible for any problem its use may cause. Be free to use and copy it, but pass only this unmodified version, including this TXT file, on to others. If you modify or improve Look4it, please let me know. Huub Linthorst E-mail: linthors@chem.leidenuniv.nl