FreeNote version 1.1 23rd October 1999 Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Bister For Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx Introduction FreeNote is a general repository for short notes. A place to store snippets of information that you may wish to refer to at a later date. FreeNote allows you create files, so that all notes that are related (your work for instance) are kept together. Within each file, notes are stored under tab headings, to help keep everything filed neatly. Users can set up own labels for the tabs, and set a time limit for the file so that FreeNote can automatically delete old notes. Automatic deletion can be switched off if not required, and of course, users may manually edit and delete notes. File details The archive file should contain the following files: Readme.txt Freenote.opa Freenote.rsc Installation instructions Copy Freenote.opa to the APP directory on the internal drive. Copy Freenote.rsc to the OPD directory on the internal drive. Install the application using Psion-I Although the help file (Freenote.rsc) is optional, it is recommended that the file is loaded as it contains all the operating instructions for the application. Copyright FreeNotes is copyright (C) 1999 Philip Bister. All rights reserved. Reverse engineering/translation prohibited. Unsupported freeware This program is released as unsupported freeware. The suthor regrets he cannot enter into correspondence and therefore a contact address is not given. However, this is not to say that updated versions would not be released from time to time via the 3-Lib library. Distribution You are free to distribute this program by any means, provided that all of the documentation and any associated files are included and unaltered. Disclaimer This software is supplied 'as is'. Every effort has been made to ensure that this software is free from errors. However, no software author can guarantee it. The author takes no responsibility as to the suitability of this products intended purpose or for the accuracy of the data contained within it, or for any consequences which may occur as a result of using this program. YOU MUST USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK.