JBACTIVE Version 1.10.1 (c)JBSoft 1994-8 ³ ÃÄ¿ ÀÂÁÄÙ ÀÄ¿ ÄÄÙ Overview -------- This is a program for the S3a/c that lists all running programs (apart from the background System files that the Psion has to have running). It will also give some information about those programs and about the machine such as available system memory, disk space, battery status and the backlight setup (where fitted). Launching additional programs is also possible and, where applicable, the backlight can be controlled automatically. Installation ------------ The JBACTIVE.OPA program should be copied to any \APP\ directory on either the Internal drive or any SSD drive. The JBACTIVE.RSC help file and the JBACL.OVL file should be copied to any \APP\JBACTIVE\ directory - if the files are omitted then help and bulk closing/re- opening will not be available but the program will still work. If you are unsure how to create this sub-directory then place the files into the \APP\ directory and the program will move them to the \APP\JBACTIVE\ on the same drive as the program when starting up. If, at any time in the future, you wish to de-install the program then you will need to delete the JBACTIVE.OPA file plus any files in any \APP\JBACTIVE\ directory - you should also delete the JBACTIVE directory after removing the files. There may be two \APP\JBACTIVE\ directories - one on the same drive as the application and another on your default drive. N.B. Because of a change in the configuration file it may be necessary to restate the Password and Panel status when using version 1.9 for the first time. Operation --------- Once the program is running a list of all running processes (programs) - if the name is in lower case this means it is an OPL program that has not renamed itself (so is actually being controlled by a program called SYS$PRGO.IMG - this is actually true of all OPL programs but the SYS$PRGO file is renamed in many cases to the name of the OPL program). There are two versions of the right hand window which is toggled using the Diamond key - the normal window shows System memory, disk space, battery status and the backlight setup - there are a couple of other items displayed which are called Password and Panel - these are internal options and do not relate to the system-wide Psion password - they will be explained later in this document. The other window that can be displayed gives additional information on the running programs - the number in the running order they are, the Priority they are given, the Process ID number, the type of process and how much memory they have been allocated. What all this means is beyond this document but is similar (not the same) as can be displayed when using SPY.APP (a Psion utility). There are many options that can be accessed, all of which appear on the Menu (selectable by the Menu key). I will take the options in the order they appear on the Menu. Kill Process Psion-K ------------ Stops the highlighted program. It will first try to close it down gracefully, saving any data. If this fails then it will kill the program dead - it will not save any data but stops the program instantly. Close Process Psion-F ------------- This will attempt to close down an application gracefully - if it fails it will not kill it as in Kill Process. ReRead All Processes Psion-R -------------------- Just forces the program to reread the running applications and system information - if you think the program is lying, try a reread - this will update the screen. Run Process Psion-J ----------- Allows launching of a program - you are initially provided with a dialog displaying the default drive's \APP\ directory, you can navigate to another in the normal manner using Tab and the cursor keys. Once the correct program is shown in the dialog, press to accept it. The program will then be analysed to see if data files are required - if so then a further dialog will appear so that you can select the appropriate file. On pressing after this selection the program will run (or at the first if no files are required). The process is not remembered so everything has to be selected each time. This is designed for little used items - the main programs that require running more often are best entered using Shift-Psion-E which will place them on the menu (see under 'Launch' for more details). Rename Process Psion-N -------------- You can rename any running program (apart from System for obvious reasons). Just type in the new name and press . Bulk Close/Open Psion-- (minus) --------------- It is possible to mark several programs and then close them in one go. Applications closed in this manner can also be opened up in one go. To mark a process use the bar - an asterisk will appear next to the process to show that it has been selected for closing. To close use Psion- - once the programs have been closed a "(C)" will appear on the title line after "Open File" to show that JBActive has closed files which can be re-opened. To re-open the applications just use Psion- again. The method works by saving the details of the files that have been closed in a file called JBAC.DBF - once re-opened this file is deleted and the existence of this file governs what JBACTIVE will do when Psion- is pressed. Hot Keys ======== Auto Assign Hot Keys Psion-A -------------------- To speed going to the individual programs you can set keys that will allow you to jump directly to the program regardless of whether the name is highlighted or not by pressing the key shown in the far right column of the left hand window. You can also jump to the program by highlighting it and pressing . To move to highlight the appropriate process use . Delete Hot Key Psion-Y -------------- Deletes the assigned key on the highlighted program. Delete All Hot Keys Psion-D ------------------- Just removes the allocated hot keys from all the running programs. Set Hot Key Psion-S ----------- Allows you to allocate or change the hot key for the highlighted program. If the key has already been allocated elsewhere then a beep will sound. You can only set keys that don't require a Shift/Control/Psion keypress. Inhibit Hot Key Psion-U --------------- Stops a hot key being allocated to the highlighted file. Change JBActive Hot Key Psion-C ----------------------- JBActive has a system-wide hot key assigned to it so that it is only a keypress away wherever you are in the Psion - by default this is Ctrl- Esc. The option allows you to change this and the setting will be remembered if you ever close down JBActive and restart it. Extras ====== Toggle Password Psion-P --------------- This toggles the Internal password on and off. The password works in a similar way to that of the System password but I found it a bit more definable for various reasons. It doesn't have to be used and you may prefer not to. Edit Password Psion-Q ------------- Allows the editing of the password. If one has already been given then you will be required to enter the old password first before you can change to another one. Display Status Psion-W -------------- There are times when the Panel is disabled as is most of JBACTIVE (primarily when Comms are in use) - this option will indicate when JBACTIVE is disabled. Panel Status Psion-O ------------ A startup panel can be displayed whenever the machine is switched on - there are three options... 1. Off 2. On - to remove the panel press 3. Timed - the panel will show for 5 seconds or until a key is pressed. The panel the information given as the Owner Information input from the System screen. Toggle Password & Panel Psion-Z ----------------------- Both the Panel and Password are toggled together with this option - they are either both on or both off. Toggle Link Psion-L ----------- Toggles the Link on and off - It configures itself automatically for either the S3c (57600 baud) or S3a (19200 baud). Toggle InfraRed Psion-T --------------- Toggles the InfraRed connection on and off. This only appears and works on an S3c. Sundry ====== Extras Psion-G ------ There is a form of plugin allowed (this isn't a true plugin as resources need to be limited) but things to run little extra jobs can be written and run from the program. The extra must be an OPO file and be situated in any \APP\JBACTIVE\ directory. On pressing Psion-G a dialog will appear allowing selection of any files so situated. A sample file is provided called RECLAIM.OPO which will display the amount recoverable on a Flash SSD if reformatted. Suspend Psion-H ------- The operation of the CPU intensive parts of JBACTIVE can be suspended using this key toggle. It can be useful when using Comms as this can require a lot of processor power. Check Suspend Psion-I ------------- Shows the status of Suspend in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Launch Menu Psion-E ----------- This key combination is just a quick way of getting to the Launch part of the Menu. Configure Backlight Psion-B ------------------- If your machine is fitted with a backlight then this option will appear on the menu. It allows you to set up the backlight in several ways... Normal means the backlight will behave exactly as Psion intended. Between times will mean that the light will be switched on between the specified times given in 'Start time' and 'End time'. Sunset/Sunrise will operate the backlight when the machine is switched on if between the hours of Sunset and Sunrise - this information is taken from the Home Town you have set in Time. Default time on enables you to alter the amount of time the backlight remains on - this will also update the time shown on the System screen. Mains Operation On/Off if set to On then the backlight will remain on whilst power from the battery eliminator is present. Please note that all these operations only work whilst JBACTIVE is running - once closed down it will revert to the normal operation (although any adjustment to the time on will be carried over to the system setup). Configure JBActive Psion-+ ------------------ This brings up a dialog with several options... JBActive This allows JBACTIVE to be shown or hidden in the running list. System programs Enables the System programs (those that start SYS$...) to be shown. Unused Hotkeys Allows hotkeys that have been assigned (but the application to which they were assigned is not now running) to be remembered. This allows programs to always be assigned the same hotkeys. It works on the application name and not the filename though. Auto-set Hotkeys Allows automatic or manual setting of the hotkeys. Closing dialog Allows a dialog to be shown when closing normal programs (the default is on). All System files will always show a dialog because of the possible consequences of closure. Hex/Decimal toggle Toggles between Hexadecimal and Decimal numbers in the extended process data. Hide processes It is possible to hide specific processes from the list using this option. N.B. It is advisable to keep these hidden files to a minimum as they will slow the procedure of gathering the information. The setup is remembered for future use. Exit Psion-X ---- This exists the program. Esc will also give the option of closing - if you choose No then you will just jump to the System screen by JBACTIVE will remain running. About Psion-V ----- Displays a dialog with program information. Launch ====== The only option guaranteed to be listed here is: Configure Shift-Psion-E --------- This allows you to set up programs to be launched from JBActive - up to 15 can be set in this manner. The first options given are for Editing or Deleting an existing link or Creating a new one. If dealing with an existing link then a further choice is given to select the appropriate file. Editing and Creating use the same dialog which has several fields - the ones marked with an asterisk have to be filled in - the others are optional. The Create option will initially allow you to choose between a program in the ROM so that programs such as Data or Word can be chosen or Drive which allows other programs on M:, A: or B: to be chosen before going to the edit dialog. Help in the edit dialog is allowed. Application: This is the program to be run. Datafile: If the program requires a datafile then it should be specified in this field. Alias: This field should only be used in unusual circumstances - the only aliases I am aware of relate to Word and Data and the use of this field is beyond the scope of this document. Unless you know what you are doing please leave this field blank as it might confuse the launching procedure. Icon Header: The name of the icon under which the running program should appear - this icon header must have been installed on the System screen for this field to operate correctly. Key: The key that you wish to use to launch the program. If the key is already in use within the program, on terminating the dialog a warning will appear and you will end up back in the dialog. A key must be defined. Name for menu: The name that should appear in the JBACTIVE menu. Once a file has been specified then it will appear under the Launch menu with the given name and key - Most of the normal Psion-# keys have been used by the program and the only ones currently available are F, G, M and T. Thanks ------ Many thanks are due to Tom Dolbilin for help in the initial programming, Richard Press, Chris Farwell and Muppet for extensive testing, Mark Esposito and Tom for allowing the competition . Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX: jboyce Internet: john@jbsoft.cix.co.uk Releases -------- 1.8 First public release - the previous versions were only used by me and are not available anywhere. 1.8a Bug fix for hot key assignment. Possible fix for "Drawable not open" error. 1.9 Fixed launched programs sometimes showing as "jbactive". Fixed a problem with the hotkey not recognising Shift/Psion. Improved operation of Suspend key. Now includes JBActive in the list as an option. Option to remember used hotkeys for non-running programs. Arrows to indicate more items if list longer than the screen can handle. Auto-select Hotkeys now use the datafile if one exists in preference to the application. Added separate Close option for those times when you don't want to Kill a program. Dialog added when Killing applications to stop accidental kills. Added a temporary display of the number of running processes. Added option to show extended process data in decimal rather than Hex. Added number of running processes to Info screen. 1.9.1 Slightly speeded up the rewriting of data. Allowed the showing of System programs. 1.9.2 Fixed a problem with Closing System. Improved warning system when closing down System files. Allowed toggle of normal files closedown dialog. Added auto-setting option for hotkeys. Stopped updating of program when in the background. 1.10 Allowed bulk closing and opening of applications. 1.10c Fixed a problem with Psion-L starting the Link (hung the program). 1.10e Improved starting the Link again. A couple of very minor bug fixes. 1.10f Fixed a problem when no processes are to be shown. Fixed a problem that could occur if bulk closing failed. 1.10.1 When selecting programs to hide more than one can be selected without having to go all the way round the loop. Trapped the closure of Time so that warnings appear. 1.10.1a Fixed a problem with deleting hidden items in the list. 1.10.1b Fixed a problem with bulk opening and closing sometimes failing. 1.10.2 Bulk opening/closing marked items now remembered between sessions.