******************************************************* This is a copy of "Launch Pad" v2.15F for the Psion 3a/3c/3mx/Siena ONLY. It is a SHAREWARE utility program. THE AUTHOR (Phil Spencer of Aylesbury, England) SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE WHATSOEVER THAT MAY OCCUR AS A DIRECT OR INDIRECT RESULT OF USING THIS PROGRAM AND/OR ANY ASSOCIATED FILES ******************************************************** INSIDE THE ZIP *************** L-pad.opa (program file - ESSENTIAL) L-pad.txt (this file - DELETE AFTER READING) L-pad.hlp (help file - EXTREMELY USEFUL) ********************************************************** * VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!! * ********************************************************** Please install the on-line help as this provides the best guide to all of the programs features. I don't like long read me files because people tend to just skip them and end up not knowing how to use the program. To this end I've tried to keep the file as short and as small as possible. This means that none of the features are explained and that there is no in-depth "how to use me" guide. However, all of this is in the file "L-pad.hlp" and if you want to know how to use the program properly, then you NEED to install the help, after all, once you get the hang of it the help can be deleted later! INSTALLATION ************ Put L-pad.opa in the \APP directory on any drive. Then, put the L-pad.hlp file into M:\OPD When Launch Pad first starts up, it will create \L-PAD on the default drive. It is into this that all files for Launch Pad will be created. Launch Pad uses multiple files, each storing up to a maximum of 8 program details (4 on the Siena). You can have as many copies of Launch Pad open with as many files as you want (memory allowing). This allows for maximum flexibility. However, tests have found that on the 3a/3c/3mx, 2 files with your 16 most wanted programs are usually more than enough to have open at once. RevTran ********* This program has been protected against reverse-translation to the best of my abilities and ANY ATTEMPT TO HACK AND/OR REVERSE-TRANSLATE THIS PROGRAM IN ANY WAY IS IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW! About the Prog ************** I wrote this prog because I wanted to have an application launcer! Simple as that. JBLaunch is excellent, but it only allows for one file open, and one program per file. I decided I'd like more, so the multi-button, multi-file Launch Pad was born! About the Author **************** I'm called Phil Spencer and I am 18 years old from Aylesbury in the UK. I've been programming OPL for about two years now, and keep getting more experience every day! I have other successful shareware programs for the Psion too - why not try JWIN or TimeMan? All of my programs are available from my WWW page (see below). The program appears to have no bugs but if you find any or have any comments/suggestions for future versions then I welcome your input in any of these ways... E-Mail on: nicko@nildram.co.uk (preferred) or Pkspencer@compuserve.com Snail-Mail at: Phil Spencer 10 Prebendal Court Oxford Road Aylesbury Bucks ENGLAND HP19 3EY Updates of Launch Pad (and all my other programs) can be found on my web page at: http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk You will also find a more comprehensive 'Contacts' page there with other ways to get in touch with me. Disabled Features ****************** Launch Pad is FULLY WORKING shareware. This means there are NO, yes that's correct NO, disabled features in Launch Pad! The only things you will see to remind you to register are nag screens on start and exit and also (but only after the 25 day limit is up) every time you switch to Launch Pad. Registering *********** Launch Pad v2.15F is distributed as Shareware and you may use it in it's unregistered form for 25 days. If, after this trial period, you find it useful and want to keep using it, then you MUST register. To register the program on CompuServe, GO SWREG 15387, otherwise you could: Send 5 UKP/10 USD (or another foreign currency equivalent PLUS 10% EXTRA) to my Snail-Mail address with either your E-Mail address or a stamped, self-addressed envelope. This will enable me to send you your personalised Key-Code to unlock the program's features and banish the nags forever. OR Use the excellent RegNet service and register Launch Pad by going to: http://www.swregnet.com/901p.htm Secure forms can be used if your browser supports them. When registered you will be entitled to any future upgrades on this platform FREE, you also get to take advantage of the new versions before many users as all new versions will appear on my homepage BEFORE they're released to other places (e.g. CompuServe's Psion Forum). You also get a direct say in future developments and more importantly a clear conscience! 5 UKP isn't a lot to register and it'll help me develop future versions (and other programs). I don't have much time free as I'm doing my A Level's so I need an incentive :-) A Brief "How to use me" guide ***************************** There's not really much I want to say here - as you'll see, Launch Pad is *very* easy to use and understand. However, the on-line help is very detailed so I urge you to install it at least until you know about all of Launch Pad's functions. Launch Pad has been designed to be left open all the time and has been given the ability to detect a hotkey of it's own without you having to assign one to it from the button bar. This hotkey is governed by the "Set preferences" section and it's up to the user what they assign it, the default is Control-L. However, this only works if you DO NOT leave a menu or dialog showing when you switch away. If you can afford to (i.e. have spare System key combinations), then it's far better and more reliable to assign Launch Pad a key from the Button Bar. All in all, Launch Pad is a very straight-foreward program to use and it's very easy to get the hang of it and use it to it's full potential. Remember, if you do find it of use to you, then you MUST register after 25 days ;-) Features ********* - Multiple files - as many as you want! - Up to 8 user configurable buttons to launch applications. - User configurable hotkey for easy and rapid switching to Launch Pad. - Minimal memory usage - designed to be left running ALL the time. - Very user configurable via "Set preferences" - MANY, MANY more ;-) Thanks to... ************* TOM DOLBILIN deserves a HUGE thank you for helping me with some of the most advanced launching code. Without him, Launch Pad would be nowhere near as efficient, small or easy to use! He really was great! Thanks also go to all my BETA TESTERS. History ******** This is the third release of Launch Pad. A full history can be found on my web page (see above). Launch Pad Version 2.15F (Build 0500) Copyright (C) Phil Spencer 1997-1998, All rights reserved. RELEASED Wednesday 7th October 1998 Phil Spencer