MenuS3 for Psion 3a, 3c and 3mx - Version 2.5 Copyright 1998 - Henri Spagnolo 28, rue Le Corbusier - 1208 Geneva - Switzerland email: ************************************************ Whats new in version 2.5: ------------------------- Now you can select more than one file in the file manager when you copy, delete or move files. And a better control in regards of the detection of the kind of machine between 3a and 3c or 3mx. MenuS3 allows you to run your Psion applications type .APP, .IMG, .OPA or .OPO only by pressing a key. You just need for that to setup this menu with the applications of your choice. Warning: Some programs .IMG ou .OPO are not stand alone programs, but are used by other programs and would not run, if this is the case, maybe MenuS3 is unable to run these kind of program. Some programs with an .OPA extensions are renamed by their creators in .APP, and if it is the case, MenuS3 is unable to run a program like this correctly, try to rename the program with the extension .OPA, setup again MenuS3 and try again. Installation: Copy the file "menus3.opa" in the directory "\app" of the internal drive and copy also the file "menus3.lan" in the directory "\opd" of the same drive. MenuS3 create five configuration files in the directory "OPD" of the internal disk. The non registred version display a message every three changes of screen and it impossible to delete, modify an entry in the menu or change the name of a menu. To disable these limitations, send $10 (cash in the letter) to the above address, I will return you a personal code, or use on Internet "Regnet" (see my homepage for details) Don't forget to send your address or your email address. MenuS3 has five screens, the first one, in which the standard Psion applications are setup, the others in which you can setup your personal applications; you can define 26 entries (keys A to Z) by screen (104 possibilities). You just need for this either to press on the desired key (if this one is not already setup), or to use the menu function, option "menu" "setup", and to follow the instructions. It is possible to modify or delete an entry (only in the registred version). You navigate between the screens with the diamond key or the key 0 to 4. MenuS3 allow to setup an alarm, to find which day is the "31 December 2000, display the owner informations, the free memory, to access the Psion system screen, give information on batteries, drives, tasks, run the remote link, setup the system (auto switch off, date and time, sounds, printer, number, etc), it contains also a little file manager, a calculator, an ASCII table and to select the interface language (french or english). MenuS3 can be call back (if it run and if you don't have let open the menu function or a dialog box) from any application by pressing the keys "Ctrl"+"z". MenuS3 inform you when it come to foreground if there is less than 100k of free system memory or if batteries are low. List of the keys used in MenuS3: a to z Run the applications 0 to 4 Change the menu Diamond Choice of the wanted menu Ctrl+z Call back MenuS3 in foreground Ctrl+tab Switch between applications Psion+s Setup the personal menu Psion+d Delete an entry Psion+e Edit(modify) an entry Psion+l Choice of the interface language Psion+y Change the name of the menu Psion+x Exit Psion+b Information on batteries Psion+i Display the owner informations Psion+k Information on tasks Psion+m Display the free memory Psion+p Display the system screen Psion+r Communications Psion+t System setup Psion+v Information on volumes Psion+a Setup an alarm Psion+f File manager Psion+g Ascii table Psion+u Calculator Psion+w Find which day is the ... Psion+t Details (address) to register Psion+n Name and code registration Psion+h Help Psion+o About This program is copyright of 'Henri Spagnolo' !WARNING! Henri Spagnolo cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind.