3D Maze for Psion Series 3a --------------------------- To install; Copy *.pic into \opd\ on the default disk. Copy 3d-maze.app into any \app\ directory. Install it as an icon on the system screen. Run it and type in the password. If you don't know it, the game will terminate after a random period. To get the password, send œ5 sterling to; Jim Coleman 44a Union Street Farnborough Hants GU14 7QB UK Give me your Compuserve user ID, address or phone number and I'll tell you the password. To play; Just use left, right, up & down arrow keys. Try to find the exit but avoid the mean Wizard dude. To complete the game, find the exit on level 80. Good luck!!!! Any probs, my Compuserve Mail ID is; X400:(C=GB;A=ATTMAIL;O=ATTMAIL;D=ID:"NLH(B)LMCS(B)TH1POST(B)SUPERJEC")