June 1997 Changes from version 1.1 Renamed Personal accounts 97. Fixed bug in account prediction routine. Fixed bug in account editing routine. renamed minor messages. Updated my address details. Changes from version 3.3 Renamed Personal accounts 96 and restarted numbering from version 1.1. A facility to predict the end of month balance has been added. An account summary screen has been added. Four weekly standing orders have been added. A credit card limit warning and reminder field has been added. A credit card "pay by" field has been added. You can now see the total amount of your standing orders, both in and out. The clock type is now taken from the system default. The sounds can now be turned off. The key now starts the debit dialog, it used to do the credit. An "About" window has been added. Changed the icon. Fixed three bugs in the account rename procedure. Fixed a bug in the transfer procedure where a cheque number would get forwarded in error. Worked around a bug in the bank select procedure if only one account is installed. (This is a Psion bug!) Changes from version 3.2 Added a Tagged balance field for easier reconciliation Allowed the wve files to exist in the wve directory Changes from V3.0 Speeded up the scrolling Cured several minor bugs Changes from version 2.xx The standing order section has been totally rewritten Quarterly standing orders have been added Limited No. standing orders have been added A reconcile and hide function has been added The erase section has been enhanced An overall balance of all accounts is now displayed with the ability to ignore selected accounts. (See the edit account menu) The cursor now stores its position before running a procedure You can now print to a file Changes from version 1.3 Accounts 2.1 will now ONLY run on the Psion 3a. It was going to be too much of a compromise to write the program to work with both formats, however I shall continue to support V1.3 for existing users. Much more information now shown onscreen. Sound is now used in the program. Cheque No's can now be recorded. Accounts can now handle larger sums of money due to the increased screen size. Status window showing account name, Date/time, bank account No., Sort code, Cheque No. Accounts now uses caching for extra speed. (This is mainly the reason for the extra 2K of memory usage.) Many cosmetic changes to display/dialogues. Various obscure bug fixes. Changes from version 1.2 A find facility has been added, to locate text entries. A small section of code has been added to eliminate an OPL bug where memory is not freed after the Menu key is exited using the Esc key. Bug fix where my code did not free memory when a standing order list is displayed.