Pelican Software Inc. P.O.Box 741072 Houston, Tx. 77274-1072 (713) 773-2803 Account Number Manager Freeware from Pelican Software Inc. This is a simple utility for getting access to your account numbers very fast. As nice as the S3 is with the multitasking, jumping around through the data app when you need multiple account numbers is not always easy. It is now! The Ainfo app will will record all of your account numbers, and encrypt the data for those that are worried about theft. The only problem here is that if you forget the Key (Password) to unlock the data, it's gone. So just don't forget it. Use a password that you always use. Data encryption: The encryption can't be turned off. It IS case sensitive, so if you enter the third letter in the password in upper case, it must be upper case to unlock the data. You will need to enter the password twice for protection. ** Warning *** If you use the wrong Password and see garbage on the screen, don't choose to save or you will be saving the garbage, not the account numbers. Entering data: When entering data in a dialog, if you press Enter, the program assumes you are making changes, and will report that you have made changes. Pressing Escape brings you to the next dialog without making any changes. So , don't go through the dialogs by pressing Enter if you don't want to make any changes. Enjoy it! Mark Esposito Let me know if you have any problems. 70713,1407