Animator V1.2 (c) R.Urquhart 1995 A note to MS Windows users: if you use the "Word Wrap" facility within the "Notepad" application, you will be able to read this text file more easily. If you are reading this file using an MS-DOS editor, you'll have to use the left/right cursor keys and/or the scroll bar if you're using a mouse. Introduction ************ Animator is an idea of mine, originally conceived several months ago. Since the introduction of the Psion Series 3a, the vastly improved graphics capabilities it has to offer, have never really been fully exploited (save by a few notable programmers), which is essentially why, in my own humble way, I wanted to try & demonstrate some of it's true potential. General ******* The program is, as the title suggests, ostensibly an animation program. It is capable of playing a variety of pre-set sequences*, some of which support the use of /incorporate greyscale. Animator is a wholly menu-driven program. Listed below are brief descriptions for each of the available options. The main display is divided into two halves. On the left is the animation window and on the right, the info window. Within the info window are a number of "action" buttons** , all of which are self-explanatory, as well as a title bar which displays the name of the current sequence in play. * only a limited number of sequences can be run in the un-registered version ** only a limited number of action buttons are operative in the un-registered version Menu options ************ 1) Select --------- As the name suggests, this option enables you to select the animation sequence you wish to run. You will be asked to confirm your choice prior to it's being played. Certain sequences cannot be accessed until the program has been registered. 2) Disable/Enable intro ----------------------- This option allows you to disable/enable the initial introductory sequence, thus affording you faster access to the program. Note that until you have registered the program, the introductory sequence remains permanently enabled. 3) Help ------- This option accesses the on-line help information. 4) About -------- Displays copyright & version details 5) Register ----------- On selecting this option you are presented with an edit box, into which you can enter your registration code. Refer to the section marked "Registration" later in this document, for further details. 6) Exit ------- Exits back out to the "System" screen, following confirmation. Shareware ********* Animator is shareware & as such supports the concept. In it's un-registered form, only a limited number of features & animation sequences can be accessed/run respectively. You may install and subsequently run Animator for a period not exceeding 14 days, after which time, if you intend to continue using it, you are obliged to then register the program. Your support ensures it's future development & that of other programs, which collectively enhance the use & enjoyment of these machines the world over, for those that take advantage of shareware products generally. Installation ************ You should have received the following files within the distributed archive ANIMAT12.ZIP Name Description Size (bytes) ---- ----------- ------------ Animator.opa the application itself 39633 Animator.fon a font file used at run-time 02886 Seq001.ani animation sequence #1 19632 Seq002.ani animation sequence #2 42454 Seq003.ani animation sequence #3 23140 Seq004.ani animation sequence #4 53208 Animator.wri documentation file (wri format) 23040 Animator.txt you are currently reading it 11225 Tech-ref.txt technical reference document 04391 If any of these files are missing or if any of the file sizes do not match up with those quoted above, then please contact the author (refer to the relevant section within this document), stating when and from whom you received this archive. To install Animator, create a directory named \APP\ANIMATOR\ on either your internal disk or an SSD, into which you should then copy all except the OPA & documentation files. The OPA file should be copied into an \APP\ directory on either your internal disk or an SSD. Having done so, from the "System" screen use the 'Install application' option within the 'Apps' menu to locate the OPA file, whereupon you can install the application in the time-honoured way. Memory requirements ******************* Graphics by their very nature are intensive in the use of memory, often consuming it in alarming quantities. For those of you with precious little of the commodity left, you are advised to keep the majority, if not all the files required to run Animator, on an SSD. Since greyscale is used extensively throughout the program, the amount of memory used at run-time is comparatively high. This is in essence, a trade-off between the aesthetic value of the program and it's overall efficiency. Typically, whilst running an animation sequence the free memory that's needed can be as much as 70-80K. If you run into problems due to a lack of free memory, try to close down any other applications that may still be active or relocate whatever files you can to SSD (for example .DBF or .WRD files). This ought to free-up sufficient internal disk space to alleviate any further problems. On newer variants of the 3a (1 & 2Mb models) this is of less concern, since you have a lot more internal memory at your disposal. Whilst I have endeavoured to reduce the file size of each animation by as much as possible, future versions of the program are likely to incorporate entirely sprite-based sequences which will cut the memory overhead required by a considerable amount. Registration ************ If you are intending to use this program for a period exceeding 14 days, you are obliged to then register it in accordance with the "Shareware" concept (see the relevant section earlier in this document). To register, send a cheque or postal order for £5 (UK pounds) to: Mr R.W.S. Urquhart 13 Hayes Lane Kenley Surrey CR8 5LE (UK) In return you will receive a unique personal registration code, which when entered will not only remove the restrictions imposed on the program in the form of inaccessible features, animation sequences & configurable options, but ought to ease your conscience as well !! It also allows you to a say in the program's future development, as well as being kept advised of any fixes/upgrades or new sequences that are made available, to which you are entitled. Having entered your registration code, a small file named "Animator.reg", will be created on your INTERNAL disk within the \APP\ANIMATOR\ directory. The presence of this file is all that distinguishes the program as being a registered copy. DO NOT DELETE IT, as this merely necessitates re-entry of the code, inorder to regain access to all the available features, options & sequences. You are advised not to disclose your code to anyone else, as this negates it's purpose and simply helps to identify those amongst you who have done so, since it will be your name which appears on other users' machines if they try to run Animator in conjunction with it. Terms and Conditions ******************** If you wish to distribute the archive ANIMAT12.ZIP to your friends/colleagues or if you intend to upload it to a BBS (bulletin board) you may only do so provided that: 1) All the original files are included (including these terms & conditions). 2) No charge is made other than to cover any reasonable costs incurred as a result. 3) You do not alter the files contained therein, in ANY way NO WARRANTY IS PROVIDED WITH THIS PROGRAM. NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGE OR LOSS TO EQUIPMENT, DATA OR SOFTWARE AS A RESULT OF IT'S USE, IS ASSUMED, HOWSOEVER CAUSED. THIS PROGRAM IS STRICTLY FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. YOU USE IT ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Copyright ********* Animator V1.2 is copyright of: R.W.S. Urquhart 1995 Psion Series 3a and SSD are trademarks of: Psion UK PLC Credits ******* Many people have helped me in my quest to produce this program, most notably those listed below. My thanks also go to each & everyone else concerned. 1) Andrew Baldwin: An extremely & enviably talented OPL programmer. 2) Adrian Ward: An ever helpful chap within Psion's "Technical Support" Dept. 3) Adam Taylor: Co-founder of the "User Group" and an all round good-egg !! 4) Steve Litchfield: The man behind "Fairway", "Mapper" and "3-Lib". 5) Alan Richey: An accomplished C/OPL programmer who's always willing to help. In addition I would like to credit the original artist responsible for the graphics in Seq003.ani whoever he/she may be. I can only lay claim to having modified the originals (as found within Keith Jones's ubiquitous "Flicker" application), to suit. History ******* Version 1.2 ----------- Corrected an error, caused by the failure to create an appropriate default directory. Optimized "Action" button functions and in so doing, created a new "REVERSE" option. Numerous other minor cosmetic improvements have also been made to the previous version. Version 1.1 ----------- Corrected a simple error, caused as a result of an oversight during compilation of the 'obfuscated' source code. Version 1.0 ----------- The original release of Animator Summary ******* Reverse engineering of this program is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. If you are genuinely interested in programming & how this application works, I would be more than willing to discuss it's fineries with you or perhaps even, when of use, send you a relevant extract from the source code. If you suspect that your copy of Animator has been altered in ANY way (examine the file sizes quoted in the "Installation" section, earlier in this document), then please contact me at once, stating when & from whom you received it. If you have any suggestions or comments you would like to pass on to me in relation to this program or you wish to report any bugs you may per-chance encounter, then drop me a line, either by post or via my current e-mail address: The User Group BBS on 01752 899442 Don't forget to include some contact details, so as I can get back in touch with you ! Above all, I hope you enjoy using Animator. It has taken me several months to complete the project and a lot of hard work in achieving the look and feel of the program that I wanted. I have a number of ideas for future editions, which I hope to implement at some stage. I'm in addition, currently working on finding a viable way of running compressed CDi footage on a Series 3a, along with an attendant soundtrack. Unfortunately the memory overheads that are required become somewhat unwieldly. (150K plus for an 11 second sequence of "TOPGUN"!!) Stay tuned for future "Animator" releases as well as new animation sequences, which will appear over the coming months, and please...don't forget to register ! End of documentation (date stamped: 12/06/95)