**** * * **** * * * ***** ****** ***** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * * * ****** * * **** ****** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * ***** ****** * * V 1.01 ******************************************************** ******************************************************** * For the Psion Series 3a and Series 3c. * ******************************************************** (Copyright, ¸ David.R.Gilson. January 1998) INTRODUCTION ============ ANALYSER is a program made for people who are doing minor experiments (especially students) and need quick and convenient access to a computer to perform time consuming calculations. This program was my first major attempt at programming in OPL. It was completely developed on my trusty Series 3c. My 3c is my main computer, and I wanted to show that you do not need cumbersome PC's to engineer decent software for your Psion ! I have spent most of summer 1997 writing version 1.0, I have tried to match functionality in the context of it's intended use with the familiar conventions of standard Psion software. I have also tried to make it idiot proof, to prevent irritating crashes. In case of something happening to crash ANALYSER, I have written it so that it will just plainly exit, without any loss of work (when registered!). As mentioned above, ANALYSER (V 1.01) is only suitable for minor experiments. It calculates and stores values to only six significant figures. I will increase this in future versions. REQUIREMENTS ============ Below is a file list with file sizes in bytes. ANLYV101.OPA-27608 ANALTEXT.ALS- 680 ANALGRUP.GRP- 716 ANALYSER.GUI- 5216 ANALYSER.RSC-10908 ANALYSER.TXT- 9937 A minimal installation only requires "ANLYV101.OPA". For a maximum installation ANALYSER uses upto 70K of system memory and 45K for storage (in total 115K). For a minimum installation ANALYSER uses upto 53K of system memory and 28K for storage (in total 81K). A minimal installation means that ANALYSER will only respond to hot-key presses and no online help is available. INSTALLATION ============ Below is a list if files supplied in the distribution ZIP file (The file ANALYSER.ZIP) and the directories they should be placed in. \APP\ANLYV101.OPA Main application file. \APP\ANALYSER\ANALYSER.GUI File used for user interface. \APP\ANALYSER\ANALYSER.RSC ANALYSER help file. \ANALYSER.TXT This file. \APP\ANALTEXT.ALS Text editor for reading output files. \APP\ANALGRUP.GRP Group file. You can install this on the system screen, it has ANLYV101.OPA and ANALTEXT.ALS preinstalled. (If you don't know about groups, see your user manual.) You can install ANALYSER on any drive (drive A or B if you have an SSD, or even drive C if you have a Cyclone drive), ANLYV101.OPA does not have to be on the same drive as it's support files (ANALYSER.GUI and ANALYSER.RSC) as long as you preserve the correct directory structure, see above. For a minimal installation all you really need is the file "ANLYV101.OPA", but it is much more user friendly with it's support files. If you are short of memory space, just use the main OPA file, and skip the next section of this text. To install, unzip the file ANALYSER.ZIP, the directory stucture is retained in the file, so all the files are placed correctly if you unzip it from your PC to the Psion, or directly on your Psion. If you are moving the files manually from your PC, see the list of directories, above. INSTALLING ANALYSER ON THE SYSTEM SCREEN To install ANALYSER on the system screen, you have three options. 1.Install ANALYSER alone. Press PSION-I and select "Analyser". 2.Install ANALYSER and the text editor STATTEXT separately on the system screen. Repeat step 1 and then press PSION-I and select "ANALTEXT.ALS". 3.Install both as a group. In this case an icon will appear that will have both applications listed beneath it. Press PSION-I and select "ANALGRUP.GRP". (See your user guide for details about groups.) USAGE ===== When you use ANALYSER for the first time an "\anl\" directory will be created on your default drive. This is where ANALYSER keeps it's files. There will be two sub- directories, "\anl\inf\" and "\anl\txt\". The former is unimportant. However, the latter is where the text output files are kept (these are explained below). You can make separate lists for ANALYSER like all of the standard applications. If you use a different directory for your list it will have the same two sub-directories as the standard \anl\ directory. (See your user manual for information about lists.) Most of the information you may need on how to use ANALYSER is included on the on-line help. An important feature of ANALYSER is that it can create a text file based upon the information supplied by the user. This feature is available to unregistered and registered users alike. If you do not install the online help here is a description of all hot-key presses (All keys require the Psion key to be held down, if the Shift key is also required the letter will be upper case, otherwise they will be lower case.) o Open a file n Create a new file i Input data r Review data e Edit data I Enter data information c Add a comment to the file v View comments of other files g Start linear regression V Display information about ANALYSER R Register (if unregistered) h Show/hide hot-keys (if user interface is present) a Create a text file report about data A View a text file in ANALYSER (usually a text report) k Count the number of points on file s Sort data into order m Calculate statistical values w Manipulate data E Extrapolate a value x Exit I do recommend that you use online help, at least until you become familiar ANALYSER. REGISTRATION ============ WHY REGISTER ? ANALYSER is shareware, that means if you like using it you have to register it and pay the associated fee. You can use it on a trial period for 30 days. If you wish to use it after that time you are obliged to register it! I have made this version uncrippled, hence it is true shareware. If you do like using this, remember, a lot of time and effort has gone into creating it, so some appreciation should be shown! HOW DO I REGISTER ? Unfortunately, you can only register by post, my address is below; DAVID.R.GILSON 39 CALVERT ROAD HULL EAST YORKSHIRE HU5 5DF ENGLAND The registration fee œ10 (UK pounds). I would appreciate payment in the form of a cheque. To make things easy for you, I will accept your native currency. Take note, DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE POST! I will not be held responsible for the consequences ! When you send your cheque, please include your name, and either your postal address or your email address. Upon receipt I shall send you a registration code. Your registration code is your's and no one else's, so do not share your code with anyone else! If this happens, I will not reregister you for future versions of ANALYSER! Once you have your registration code, start ANALYSER and press PSION-SHIFT-R (or select "Register" from the "Xtra's" menu). Then type in your registration code into the dialog that is presented to you. Once you have registered, a small file called "ANALYSER.REG" will be created in the \opd\ directory on your internal drive. DO NOT delete this file, but if you do accidentally delete it, keeping a record of your registration number would be useful, so that you can reregister quickly. DISCLAIMER ========== Use this software at your own risk. I will not be held responsible for any loss of data and/or any damage caused to users or hardware caused by this software. COPYRIGHT AND CONDITIONS ======================== I reserve copyright on this material, any reproduction in part or whole is strictly prohibited. Additionally, reverse translation of any of files included in the file "ANALYSER.ZIP" is strictly prohibited. You are permitted to distribute the file "ANLYV101.ZIP", as widely as you see fit, under one condition. That condition being; That the file is not in any way altered, and is sent on in an unchanged state. You are permitted to use this shareware for an evaluation period of 30 days. If you continue to use this software 30 days after installing it, you are obliged to register it with the author (me), under the conditions stated above (see registration section). FEEDBACK ======== If you have any comments or suggestions for me I would be pleased to hear from you ! You can mail me at the above address or you can email me at this email addresses; D.R.Gilson@physics.hull.ac.uk and david_r_gilson@hotmail.com Now get on and start ANALYSING !!! HISTORY ======= V 1.0 This was the first release, had cripples for unregistered users. When unregistered, users could not save work or create new files. V 1.01 This version. Removed all cripples, after talking to Steve Litchfield.