ASCII history _______________________________________________________________________________ V2.60F (June 28, 1997) - implemented bring server functionality - at last ;-) V2.50F (June 8, 1997) - made it Siena compatible V2.44F (September 10, 1996) - fixed a display bug with the status line V2.43F (July 4, 1996) - memory usage optimized, now uses only 24KB (8K less) V2.42F (June 9, 1996) - no library BWB-LIB needed anymore ;-) V2.41F (May 20, 1996) - support for new BWB-LIB version V2.40F (April 25, 1996) - support for new BWB-LIB version - minor changes V2.31F (April 7, 1996) - fixed bug that BWB-LIB was not found when installed on a different drive than the main program file V2.30F - first official release ______________________________________________________\_______Brendan W. Breede \ email: \ faxmail: +49-421-400104 (also voice) \ snailmail: Graubuendener Str. 77; D-28325 Bremen \ PSION-SW: \ ____________________________________________________________\__________________ [ Life is like a Ferrari: too fast - but so what, you can't afford it anyway! ]