Banker 2.0 DEMO VERSION - Good until Jan 1, 1997 Compuserve SWREG ID 6869 ($65) Psion Series 3a Only DEMO LIMITATIONS This demo is the full version, except that it has the limitation of only being able to handle five transactions. This way you have the advantage of fully testing the program before purchasing it. All of the Quicken importing and exporting features work in the demo, and will allow importing of more than 5 transactions so you can fully test the importing capabilities. The Help system is also not included in the demo. PURCHASING BANKER Banker has been a commercial product from it's first release, however, we are now distributing it electronically as well. Banker can be purchased by sending cash, check from a Bank in the USA, International Money Order, or on Compuserve using the SWREG service. This applies to the electronic version only. If you need Banker on an SSD, you can call us to order the packaged version. ORDERING BANKER ON COMPUSERVE: Go into the SWREG area on Compuserve, and choose to register software. * The SWREG ID for Banker is 6869 * As soon as you complete the registration form online, we will receive your request via email almost immediately. Within 24-48 hours, you will receive the full version of the program to your Compuserve mailbox. ORDERING BANKER BY PHONE: You can order Banker by phone, however we are currently not set up to take credit cards, so it is easier to pay online. If you don't have a Compuserve account, but want the electronic version, you can call us to discuss different forms of payment. (We will take credit cards in the near future) 713.242.8928 (Voice) 713.242.9573 (Fax) PRICING: The price for Banker online is $65. A printed manual can be sent out on request for $7 plus shipping. The price for ordering Banker electronically is reduced significantly for online users that don't require a printed manual, and the program on Psion SSD. VERSIONS: Please note that we are sending out the release version 2.0, and the latest beta version. The beta has many new features, and some fixes. We will only send out a working beta, and not one that we know has bugs. You will probably want to try the beta version first, since it has many new features. If you have problems with it, you can always install the final release v2.0, or send us email describing the problem, and we may be able to come out with a quick fix. BANKER MANUAL: The manual is included in electronic format only. If you need a printed manual, you can call us and order it for $7.00 USD, plus shipping. The price of Banker has been reduced for those purchasing it electronically, and therefore it does NOT include a printed manual. This is one way of getting the cost down. THE FULL VERSION When you purchase Banker, the full version will be emailed to you. If you have an account with Compuserve, or America Online, Banker comes as a Zip compressed file. If you are on the Internet, we will send out the file in uuencoded format. ** Email Addresses for Pelican ** 72662,3050 Compuserve Internet Mespo AOL Mesposito Cix CONTACTING PELICAN SOFTWARE: You can contact us at 713.242.8928 between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm, Houston Texas time. Mailing Address: Pelican Software Inc. P.O.Box 741072 Houston TX 77274-1072 Phone 713.242.8928 voice 713.242.9573 fax