BELLS! ¸ A. Roberts, 1982-97 demo version, February, 1997 FILES IN THE PACKAGE The program files that comprise this package are: Main program Bells!!!.OPA, the core program Bells!$M.OPO all method handling and decoding BellsGen.HLP general help file Lines module BellsBlu.OPO, draws method lines BellsBlu.HLP blue-line help file Control module BellsCtl.OPO, demonstrates bell control BellsCtl.HLP tower control help file BellsHit.WVE sound file for stay hit BellsBrk.WVE sound file for stay breakage BellsSlp.WVE sound file for grip slippage Erratic striking module BellsErr.OPO, rings erratically BellsE$H.OPO hear the row (see Warnings below) BellsErr.HLP erratic striking help file Notation editor module BellsNot.OPO, enters/edits/loads/saves method notations BellsNot.HLP notation general help file Ringing module BellsRng.OPO, rings methods and call changes BellsRng.HLP ringing help file Program installation Put Bells!!!.OPA in the \APP\ directory of any drive and install it with Psion-I as normal. All other files (*.OPO, *.HLP, *.WVE) go in \APP\BELLS\ directory on the same drive. The WVE files are sound effects for the Control module, delete them if you don't want silly sound effects. The following files are also supplied, but are not needed to run the program: Read-me.txt general introduction Install.txt this file Beginner.wrd a guided tour of the full version