BELLS! ¸ A. Roberts, 1982-97 demo version, February, 1997 Ownership This is a free, demonstration, verson of a program that is CharityWare. I get nothing from its sale, all proceeds go to the Bell Restoration Fund of the Surrey Association Of Church Bell Ringers The program is all written in OPL and is completely unprotected. Reverse translation will always reveal the source code. The original OPL code, with comments and sensible variable names, is available from me on special request. There is no nagging copyright message, but many features of the full version are not implemented. Introduction There is a full list of the files, with descriptions of what they all do, plus instructions for installation (what files go where etc.) are in Install.WRD. There's also a beginner's guide to the package in Beginner.WRD. Basics This is a bell-ringing program, that simulates many aspects of tower-bell ringing. It is in five sections, each with modules, not all of which need to be installed (see below). Many of the features listed below are not implemented in this version. RING will to ring many methods to touches, up to 8-spliced on 3 to 20 bells. It also copes with call changes. You can ring a bell along with me, or watch St.Wally's ringers perform immaculately. BLUE can draw "blue lines" of any method or touch in a variety of customisable styles. METHOD allows entry or editing of methods in place notation. Method knowledge is unlimited, over 120 methods on file at present. MicroSiril files can also be used (>10,000 notations). ERRATIC simulates horrible striking, very useful for testing striking-competition judges. CONTROL simulates one bell graphically, to show how the tower works. You design the tower, and then try to ring it. Program size reduction If you need to reduce the program size, you can omit certain parts and the program will still run although with reduced facilities. Any section file can be omitted together with all of its modules. and so on. I haven't fully tested it with bits missing, but it should not crash under any circumstances. Bugs, Improvements, Praise, Orders Please report any bugs, for correcting in a future issue, or ideas for improvement etc., to me: Alan Roberts, 1 May Cottages, Monkswell Lane, Mugswell, COULSDON, Surrey CR5 3SX or e-mail: The full version costs £10, available from me by e-mail (MIME or UUencoded, zipped first) or ftp (you provide the site). Postal distribution is on 3.5" DOS disc or Psion ssd (256k minimum, you supply it in SAE) are dealt wih by the Surrey Association BRF (who get all the income): Sheila Cheesman, 35 Anne Boleyn's Walk, CJHEAM, Surrey.