Bio 1.1 Biorhythm calculator for the Psion S3a, S3c & Sienna (C) Richard Smedley 1997 INTRODUCTION ------------ From time to time, we all experience feeling tired or depressed without any apparent reason when, just the day before, everything had been alright. A number of Swiss scientists decided to look into this problem, and after studying medical files and a huge amount of statistical analysis, they discovered that people tend to experience these ill-fated days at regular intervals. In their scientific analysis, they divided human feelings into three basic categories: PHYSICAL Concerning stamina, vitality, energy, vigour, and physical strength. EMOTIONAL The nervous system, our emotions, sensitivity, optimism, self assurance, moods, creativity, and intuition. INTELLECTUAL Our judgement, perception, concentration, and powers of reason. Their findings indicated that our abilities in each of these categories are subject to regular cycles which are thought to start at birth and continue throughout our entire life. The physical cycle is thought to last 23 days, emotional 28 days, and intellectual 33 days. INSTALLATION ------------ To install this program on your Psion, copy the BIO.OPA file into the APP directory on your Psion, and then install it in the normal way by pressing Psion-I on the System screen. It should be Sienna compatible, but this hasn't been tested yet. USING THE PROGRAM ----------------- When you start the program, a dialog will appear asking you to enter your birthday and the date of the plot. Just enter the two dates and press the return key, and your biorhythm chart will appear for that date. Your age in days is displayed below the chart. The three lines that are displayed represent the following: P -> Physical E -> Emotional I -> Intellectual Pressing Psion-I will display a brief message interpretting the chart for you. Pressing the cursor keys will let you scroll back-and-forth through the chart: The left/right cursor keys scroll the chart 1 day at a time, and the up/down keys scroll it by the width of the chart itself. MENU FUNCTIONS -------------- If you press the MENU key, you'll see that the following menu functions are available: CHART menu ---------- New chart (Psion-N) Calculate a new biorhythm chart. A dialog will appear for you to enter the new birthday and/or plot date. Interpret (Psion-I) Display a brief message interpretting your biorhythm chart for the current day. SPECIAL menu ------------ About Bio (Psion-A) Display a brief message about the program. Exit (Psion-X) Exit the program. DISTRIBUTION ------------ This program is freeware, but remains copyright (C) Richard Smedley 1997. It may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes providing all the original files remain fully intact and unmodified. Standard disclaimer applies; you use this program at your own risk. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR --------------------- If you want to contact me, here's my address: Richard Smedley PO Box 59 Sutton-In-Ashfield Notts NG17 3HP England Postcards, money, keyrings, Playboy subscriptions :-) etc can also be sent to me at the above address... VERSION HISTORY --------------- V1.0 (23.05.97) - The first release. V1.1 (03.06.97) - Created a proper (and rather nice!) icon for the System screen. - Redesigned the "Interpretation" dialogs, so the program should now be compatible with the Sienna.