Bye. 'Bye' Ben Metcalfe (!) 1995. BEE-WARE software. For the Psion Series 3 (I am only 14 so I can't apply for a copyright. Please be aware of this and not change the program about, just because it does not have copyright.) This is a very small program, and so it can only be freeware. But instead I ask you to register as a user anyway!! To register send a S. A .E to: BEE-WARE Ben Metcalfe 81 Belmont Road Uxbridge UB8 1QU Write on the back 'Registration for Bye' I will send you some information on 'Bye', and other programs that I have written in the S. A. E Installing Bye: You should have: Bye.opa Bye.pic Bye.txt Put the .OPA in the \APP directory, in any drive. Then put the .PIC in the \OPD directory, in the same drive as the .OPA. Then Install (PSION-I). Bye automatically turns off your Psion, when selected, and then says 'good afternoon' (or good morning, good evening etc...) when you turn it back on, it also displays a clock. N.B. The computer clock must be right, otherwise the greeting will be wrong. DON'T TRY TO HACK INTO THE PROGRAM WITH REVTRAN (OR SIMILAR) BECAUSE YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO GET IN. I HAVE WRITTEN A COMMAND TO STOP IT. ANYWAY, IT'S SICK TO HACK INTO SOMEONE ELSES PROGRAM. I HOPE YOU SHARE THE SAME VIEW. Please spread this program around the world as much as you can. Is there any one who is willing to put this onto the internet, etc.. (I don't have a modem) Okay that's it, you can go home now children (ooo ay by gum!!??!??!!!) Keep on PSIONIZING!