Program CARCOST3.OPA Textfile CARCOST3.WRD (this file) CarCost3.OPA Version 3.0 Carl Littlejohns (see Appendix 2) CarCost arose from the need for a simple to use utility that would allow me to quickly enter journey, fuel purchase details etc., and that would then allow me to get at the data in a useable way. My favourite stats package happens to be public domain, and will accept comma delimited ascii, so that is the format I use when exporting the data. You can peruse entries from CarCost without exporting the data. The commonest thing I need to do is recall a half complete entry when a journey is complete. This is easy to do, and more powerful searches of all stored data are also possible. Installation The program should be installed in the \APP\ subdirectory, and will create it's datafile ( car.odb ) and any ASCII exported file ( carout.asc ) in the \OPD\ subdirectory. The drive used is determined by the current default drive set up by {Psion}-G from the series 3 system screen. Copy CarCost3.OPA to the /APP/ subdirectory of the Series 3 and then from the system screen select {Psion}-I and at the installation menu select CARCOST3 for installation. The new ICON should appear on screen. When first run, the program looks for it's data file (car.odb) in the \OPD\ area. If not found the ICON will have "CAR3" displayed below it. If the file exists already, then "Car" appears below - as it will in ordinary use. CarCost creates an empty data file when first run from the system screen. IF YOU WISH TO USE THE DATAFILE FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION OF CARCOST YOU SHOULD COPY IT INTO THE \OPD\ AREA BEFORE RUNNING CARCOST2. Use The main command menu appears thus: CarCost v3.0 ----------------------- FIND last entry ENTER FUEL purchase DATA PROCESSING HELP & INFORMATION The menu items are selected by highlighting the item and pressing ENTER. The first two items, when highlighted give further options if the left or right arrow keys are pressed before ENTER. FIND: LAST entry Selecting this recalls the last entry made (assuming the files have not been sorted subsequently) and allows it to be edited or added to. ESC cancels the function, ENTER saves the amended record. FIND: DATABASE entry This item displays a search dialog, which allows the display of records according to ONE of three types of search. TYPE - only BUSINESS or only FUEL entries can be displayed etc. Date - only records ON or AFTER the selected date will appear. or Text - only records containing the piece of text entered will be found. e.g. enter 'home' and pull in records of journeys to and from home. Selecting this option and entering NO search text will recall ALL records. ENTER: Fuel Purchase This item prompts for a date (but supplies TODAYs date by default- as appears on ALL entry screens in CarCost) a mileage reading (mileometer) the number of litres purchased and the amount spent. ENTER: BUSINESS mileage This item prompts for date, start and end mileometer reading, and FROM and TWO strings for text of the journey details. ENTER: PERSONAL mileage As for business miles. ENTER: SERVICE entry This item records date, mileage, which service it is, which garage and the cost incurred. ENTER:Misc This item records miscellaneous expenditure on the care in a simialr format. DATA PROCESSING This opton produces another dialog that 1. sorts the datafile in order of mileometer reading. 2. exports the data a comma delimited ascii. The format of the file allows for importing the data into any package which accepts comma delimited files - spreadsheets, graphic packages and databases - as well as BASIC. See appendix 1. 3. deletes all items entered BEFORE a chosen date - by default this starts at 30days before TODAY. 4. If the datafile is stored on FLASH SSD this option will compress it to remove space from deleted records. Deleting database records: The main way of deleting records is to use the block delete option which is available from the DATA PROCESSING option. In additiona individual records can be deleted in one of three ways. 1.At the time of data entry, if instead of pressing ENTER, you press ESC then that record will NOT be stored as an entry. 2.At the time of data entry, if you move the cursor up to the 'Entry Type' option, and then press the left or right arrow keys, the 'type' bar will change to display ** DELETE THIS ENTRY ** . Pressing ENTER at this point saves and then immediately deletes the record. Of course, the 'recall last entry' option produces an inaccurate result immediately afterwards, since the last record technically doesn't exist! 3. To delete an existing record, use the search menu to locate the record, move to the 'Entry Type' bar as before, and using the left/right arrow keys set the entry to DELETE and press ENTER. Pressing ESC in this instance PREVENTS the record from being deleted. Appendix 1 ASCII output file \opd\carout.asc format. This is a text file, the first line of which consists of 8 headings, as inverted comma delimited strings separated by commas. Each subsequent line consists of one record from the data file in the following order, depending on the type of entry: 1st item: Entry type Stored as a single letter- F-fuel entry, B-business miles, P-personal miles, S-service, O-miscellaneous ('other') 2nd item: Date Stored as a european date string: dd/mm/yy 3rd item: MilesA This refers to the mileage at the time the record was entered (or the start mileage of a journey) 4th item: MilesB This is the mileage at the end of the journey. 5th item:From This is a 25 character text string -journey start, or for a service entry it is the particular service, or for a misc. item it is the first text item. 6th item:To This is the end of journey text string, or for miscellaneous entries, the second text item. 7th item This is a decimal number corresponding to litres of fuel purchased (if applicable, or just "") 8th item (final) This is a decimal number corresponding to cost - fuel cost, service cost, misc. cost. Empty items export as empty inverted commas e.g. "". NB When the sort option is run, it sorts the database on item 3, the first mileage. Appendix 2 The author: Carl Littlejohns October 1992 Email:csljohns@cix FidoNet 2:253/152 Fax: 0745-812125 Appendix 3 Public Domain. This program is in the public domain. It may not be sold, or included with software that is being sold. The concept of public domain originated from the educational establishments of the USA. I have benefitted greatly from this initiative which I hope will be around for a long time to come...the public domain I mean, not the that is... Carl Littlejohns December 1992