Cashflow.opa is a small program I wrote to make cashflow projections. You need to create "standing orders" representing inflows and outflows and then you enter a commencing balance (and what date you want to project to) whereupon you will be told your "balance" at that date. You can also specify 2 critical dates during the month and have balances at those dates shown irrespective of your chosen end date. Also, you may use "Walkthrough" mode, in which event balances at the end of each day from today through till the closing date are automatically calculated and displayed. There's a fairly crude method of getting a breakdown of your average monthly standing order. You can assign a category to each standing order by starting the decription of the s/o with a capital letter followed by a colon. Hit the diamond key to see the list. Don't ask me why I didn't create another field in the s/o record! This was only ever intended for my personal use!!! Install in the normal way. It expects a .pic file called binoc.pic in your a:\pic\ directory (the pic file is enclosed), and it creates a default file (defcflw.odb - small) on your internal drive, but you can tell it where you want to keep your standing order file (so.odb) - you state the drive and the program creates a directory called \cfl\ The program automatically starts by asking for projection dates (also whether you want to enter any ad-hoc amounts). 1st time around jusst wait for your zero results, cancel the dialog and set to work entering your standing orders. You can change start up mode and critical dates and save the new values as defaults. This is free, and I've also enclosed the OPL code in case something goes wrong ( may not have an "a:" drive!) and you want to investigate or change anything. Have Fun!! Peter Bennett 100065,1125