Convert 2 version 1.5 -------------------- Convert2 is a general purpose conversion utility, covering length, area volume, weight, temperature and decimal to hex conversions. Installation ------------ The program file convert2.opa should be copied to your \APP directory. Then use Install ( PSION I) from the system APPS menu. Operation --------- The operation is fairly self explanatory. Chose any option and you are presented with a choice of conversions. After selecting your second choice enter the number you wish to convert and press "Enter". The result will be displayed and you can either enter another number or press "Esc" to return to the main menu. The "Special" menu is used to set the number of decimal places to display, to enter registration details and to exit from the program. Registration ------------ Convert2 is Shareware, if you wish to keep using it you must register it. Registration entitles you to any updates and removes the registration reminder. To register send a cheque for œ10.00 to:- Jonathan Duff 7 Glenview Avenue Holywood County Down N. Ireland BT18 0PX Please also write if you have any suggestions for improvements or find any errors in the conversions. Disclaimer ---------- Whilst every effort has been made to check the accuracy of the conversions, the author accepts no liability as to their accuracy. It is up to the user to vouch for the accuracy of any results. Revision History. ----------------- ver1.0 Jan 1994 Initial release ver1.1 Jan 1994 Addition of Hex to dec conversion Bug fix in Acres to Hectares conversion ver1.2 Feb 1994 Addition of Millilitres Bug fix in Hex to Dec Recoded to be more compact. ver1.3 July 1994 Addition of Miles per Gallon and other fuel calculations. ver1.4 Oct 1994 Addition of Journey Time calculations. ver1.5 Feb 1994 Addition of wind speed table Addition of Knots and Nautical miles functions.