Church of England Lectionary Dates ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Data files for use with HOL v2.0 (c)1996 Odd Gripenstam Compiled 1997 by The Revd. Mark Norris This readme.txt file was included in the .ZIP file archive COFE.ZIP. Also in the archive are files: SUNDAYS.HOL - Sundays and Principal Holy Days and Moveable Feasts. GREATER.HOL - Festivals and Greater Holy Days. LESSER.HOL - Lesser Festivals and Commemorations. These files should be copied to the \HOL\ directory on your Psion. Opening these files with HOL v2.0 enables you to enter these lectionary dates into your Psion Agenda file automatically. When using the SUNDAYS.HOL file, on some occasions, two entries will appear on a given day (e.g. where possible "Sundays after Pentecost" coincide with "Sundays before Christmas"). In these instances, the the entry in BOLD type in the agenda takes precedence. The files are supplied with no guarantee of accuracy. They may be freely edited and distributed. I would be pleased to know of any ommissions or errors. Mark Norris e-mail :