COLLEAGUE 1.3, 21/01/97 ======================= UPGRADE NOTE: please delete your COLLEGUE.INI under M:\OPD\ and re-initialise! A registration code must be entered. If not correct this will cause a nag-screen to appear every now and than. The code is obtainable without charge directly from the author and registration is for statistical and feedback purposes only. This is a small utility for those who work in companies which have their own internal phone circuit. It has the advantage over a relation manager of taking far less memory to store your data (it's just colleagues after all, you're dealing with) and over DATA of a nicer presentation and quick search facilities. It is compatible to S3A, S3C and Siena. If you are a user of Contact Edge 4.1 (or up), you can run a read-only copy of Collegue from within Contact Edge. Installation ------------ The file JBSortB.IMG should be placed under the \APP\ or the \IMG\ directory of any drive. In the latter case, you may rename it to SYS$JBST.IMG if you don't want the module to appear under the run-IMG icon. If you feel you don't need sorting, just don't install this module at all. Don't install it either if you have it running already for another program (under the a.m. conditions). SIENA: only the OPA file is required and can be placed anywhere (normally under the \APP\ directory). If you want Help you should create a directory \COLLEGUE\ directly under the root and place the COLLEGUE.RSC file there. You will not need the file COLLEGUE.PIC. S3A/C: as for Siena, but if you want the additional feature of date and time plus a nice picture on the right half of your screen, please create a directory \COLLEGUE\ under the root of the disk you intend to use as data disk and place the COLLEGUE. PIC file there. After installing and first running the program you should confirm this disk-choice when asked. Acknowledgements ---------------- Thank you John Boyce for JBSortB, which I am now using in Colleague, as well as Contact Edge and CDs. Disclaimer ---------- The author of this program is not to be held responsible for any consequences whatsoever in relation to the use of this program. Bugs ---- Please report bugs and other comments. 24/12/96 Ad Bosch Korenaar 61 3224 XD Hellevoetsluis Netherlands Phone: ++31 181 31 04 30 E-mail: Homepage: History ------- Version 1.3 - direct "beep"-dailling implemented - added nag-screen after about every 25 key-presses (principle of free shareware: for feedback on use purposes only) Version 1.2 - solved sorting problem (in fact changed sorting routine). Now runs on all S3A, S3C and Siena machines. Version 1.1 - spelling correction Colleague (where applicable) - added menu option Edit User Details - solved system memory usage problem Other programs: - Contact Edge relation manager - MyCar fuel consumption manager - CDs CD, CD-ROM, etc. collection manager All available from my homepage (see above).