CONVERT Version 6s1 (English only) for Psion Siena UNZIPPING: Apple Mac Users: Mac users have reported difficulty in unzipping this file. it unzips, but when you try to run the program you get a "String too long" error message. To avoid this, re-unzip it, but first turn OFF the "By default, smart-strip linefeeds from text files" option in the Miscellaneous Prefs dialog box under the File/Preferences/Miscellaneous menu. INSTALLATION: IMPORTANT Users of v.6c1 for the 3a/3c can keep the following files: "memory.odb" "pick.odb" "currency.odb" (if more recent) Registered users MUST keep "convreg.ini" Discard files "con6c1.opa" , "english.ovl" and "usemem.odb" 1. Copy the following files to the \APP\ directory: "con6s1.opa" "eng-s.ovl" "reg6s1.ovl" (optional - non-registered users only. Deletes itself on registration) 2. Create a new sub-directory \OPD\CONVERT\ and copy the following files: "currency.opd" "memory.opd" "pick.opd" (Registered users only) "convreg.ini" 3. Install the file "con6s1.opa" from the system screen (Psion "I") 4. Please copy "manual.wrd" to a /WRD/ directory and read for full instructions Have fun, Tim 14.5.1997