PSION Spreadsheets for Unit Conversions Unit conversion tables in the form of Psion 3/3a spreadsheets. The tables included are probably of most interest to science students or those engaged in chemistry, chemical or nuclear engineering, Contents: Activity.spr Radioactivity ( rate of disintigration) Area.spr Area Density.spr Density Dose.spr Radiation Dose & Dose Equivalent Energy.spr Energy Heattran.spr Heat Transfer Length.spr Length Massflow.spr Mass Flow Rate Mass.spr Mass Power.spr Power Pressure.spr Pressure SolnConc.spr Solution Concentration Specheat.spr Specific Heat Temp.spr Temperature Thermcon.spr Thermal conductivity Velocity.spr Velocity Volflow.spr Volume Flow Rate Volume.spr Volume To install: Copy any or all of the .spr files to a \SPR\ directory on any drive. The files can be installed to a flash disk but remember to set the file attributes for each file to "read only" (use Psion ) To use: It couldn't be simpler. As written the spreadsheets are just like a set of conversion tables you would find in a printed manual.Scroll down column B until the cell highlighted is the units you wish to convert FROM. Then scroll right along that row until the cell highlighted is under the column headed by the units you wish to convert to. The number in the highlighted cell is the conversion factor ( ie multiplier). So to calculate a conversion: Scroll down Col B. until the units you wish to convert FROM are highlighted Enter the number of units you wish to convert in col A. alongside the units in col B. The equivalent in all other units are shown in each column as you scroll right along the row. Scroll along the same row to the right until the highlighted cell is underneath the column heading of the units you wish to convert TO. Read off (or copy) the answer in the highlighted cell. Additional Points to note: 1.To use the Title bar function on most tables highlight cell C3 and key +. 2.Set the file attributes to read only and the numbers in column A will always be set to 1 when you open the spreadsheet. You should do this anyway if you store the spreadsheets on a flashdisk. 3.IMPORTANT: Some of the conversion tables require you to enter the value of one or more constants in addition to the actual value you wish to convert. These are: DOSE.SPR (Radiation Dose & Dose Equivalent) Enter QF (quality factor ) for the type of radiation in cell B2. Default QF=1 for Beta,Gamma and X-rays. QF=10 for alpha radiation and fast neutrons. SOLNCONC.SPR (Solution Concentrations) requires 3 constants Molecular Weight of Solute -cell D2 Molecular Weight of Solvent-cell E2 Solution Density -cell F2 eg for a dilute solution of NaOH in water MWt. of Solute (NaOH) = 40 MWt. of Solvent (H2O) = 18 Soln. Density = 1 *********************************************************************** LEGAL DISCLAIMER & WARNING The originator of these tables makes no claim as to their accuracy and accepts no liability whatsoever for any damage or loss arising from their use. You make use of the information provided entirely at your own risk. *********************************************************************** Notify any comments or corrections to John Swash CS101452,1012 24 Sept 1996