PROTOCOL SOFTWARE PROUDLY PRESENTS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CUPID Version 1.0 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ COMPUTER ASSISTED DATING FOR THE PSION SERIES 3A ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Shareware & Registering... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cupid is Shareware. In the case of this program, it means you may use it for as long as you wish-(non profit making use only!), without registering. Isn't that generous of me...? Cupid is in no way crippled, and does not constantly barrage the user with endless "please register" messages (once, every time the program is started.) So why should I spend my precious hard earned cash on registering, you ask yourself. One reason. Memory. Just under 20k to be specific. Your average S3a owner would consider murder if he thought it would gain him a few extra K of internal memory, and that's just what I'm banking on. Cupid comes with a large PIC file that takes up 19,232 bytes of disk space. This picture is simply an opening title screen/background for the program and has absolutely no practical function whatsoever. It just sits on your disk taking up space. Ordinarily Cupid will not run if you delete this file, and the only way to make it do so is to enter your name and the correct code in the "Register" dialogue. How do you get the code? That's where I come in. For a very modest fee (œ2.00 English) I will send you the code to release the PIC file from the disk, and still alow the program to run. If you decide the 20k is worth a measley œ2.00, please send a self addressed, stamped envelope with your name and a cheque for the above amount to me: Andrew Webb 45 Bellbrooke Avenue Darfield Barnsley S. Yorks. ENGLAND S73 9BP. Installation... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Installation is simple enough. 1) Create a "\dating" directory on a local drive of your S3a. (I have only tested this on M:) 2) Make sure you already have an "\app" directory on the same drive. 3) Copy "CUPID.OPA" to the "\app" directory. 4) Copy "CUPID.PIC" to the "\dating" directory. 5) Install "CUPID.OPA" as usual from the system screen. When the program is run for the first time, it will create a data file in "\dating". This is where all the client details are stored. Deleting this file will have the effect of clearing out all entered details so far, forcing the program to create an empty data file again, the next time it is run. The Idea... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The idea behind cupid is quite simple. Through a series of dialogue boxes, you describe first your physical appearance, then your interests, and then finally the appearance of your ideal mate. When you have completed this process the data is stored away for later. After several people have had their details entered you can produce a graphical report of how well you match up with others in the database. After filtering out clients of the wrong age and sex, the program does 3 comparisons for each of the remaining clients:- 1) How well do they match you physically. 2) How well do you match them physically. 3) How well do your interests match. This data is then plotted on a stack bar graph for each client, and given an overall percentage. At this point you can either return, or display an individual breakdown for the current client. Using The Program... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cupid is very simple to use, having only 3 basic functions. 1) Data input 2) Data editing 3) Graphic reports 1) Data input Enter data using the "New Client" option from the main menu. Use the normal Psion editing keys to navigate around the dialogue box. The buttons at the bottom move you back and forth through the pages. Press TAB on the choice lines to display available options. If an exact match is not found, use the closest. 2) Data editing Exactly the same as above, but this time you have a search dialogue to choose the client you want to edit. Type in the first part of the name, or just pressing enter will take you through the complete client list. When you have found the one you want to edit, choose Accept. If you choose to delete a client, you will be presented with the same search dialogue as above. 3) Graphic reports The reports are accessed via the "standard search" option on the menu. On choosing this option you are again presented with the by now familiar search dialogue. Choose the client you wish to produce the report on and wait for the data to be produced. When the report appears, use the cursor keys to navigate left and right, showing precise details of each matching client. Pressing enter will give the breakdown for the current client. Pressing escape will take you back to the menu. At the bottom of the reports screen are several arrow chevrons, (<<<, >>>). These can be described as follows: INT=50 - You share 50% of your interests <<<=60 - Current client likes you physically, 60% >>>=75 - You like the current client physically, 75% These figures relate to the various shaded regions on the stacked bar, and also to the three bands on the individual breakdown screen. Now the technical side is done with, please read on... Disclaimer... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I take no responsibility for your use of this program, so if you get married based on the results Cupid produces, and if it all goes horribly wrong, and you get a divorce, and your xpartner gets all your money, and your life just isn't worth living anymore, DONT BLAME ME! Why I Wrote Cupid... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Well, there was this girl... I went out with her for a few months and I fell in love. (YUK!) She broke up with me and I just didn't know what to do. I had dumped all my friends when we started getting serious and now I was left with nothing. So faced with lots of spare time on my hands, I took comfort in the loving care offered by my S3a. Sad! I know. Why am I telling you all this? Well, I thought I'd use this opportunity to sound off a bit: 1) Never trust Women - Women leave you. 2) Never trust Men - Men always do something to make women leave them. 3) Never trust Yourself - You just don't know what you're capable of. And Finally... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is dedicated to Lyndsay. Andrew Webb, 17th July, 1995. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ