Psion Utils (c)1995 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544 Flash! - All Series 3 users can now use their Psion to dial the phone Dialer is a handy utility that will save you precious time when looking up numbers and dialing the phone. It works by searching all data files (unlimited) for a partial match and dials using the speaker or a modem, without ever opening the database app. Profiles can be set up for home, office, & travel with local, long distance, & calling card prefixes & suffixes. Local area codes are stripped automatically eliminating the need to enter numbers twice for long distance vs. local calling. American users no longer need two entries for each number in their database. Used in combination with Tom Doblin's Macro System, you can press Help from within any Psion App and press 2-9 for SpeedDial, F to Find or Z to check your voice mail. Dialer is a One-Touch Psion app. Installation Notes File Directory Description ----------- ------------- --------------- DIALER.OPO \OPO\ Executable DIALER.MCR \MACRO\MCR\ Install in Tom Doblins Macro system (optional) DIALER.MCO \MACRO\MCO\ Remaps Help key to running Dialer (optional) DIALER.DBF \OPD\ Setup info & Profiles DIALER.HLP \OPD\ Help (press H, optional) PHONELOG.TXT \OPD\ Call log (created automatically) *.SPK \OPD\ Numbers 0-9 for voice playback (S3A, optional) *.DBF \DAT\ Your Data files (defaults to Internal drive) If you don't use the Macro System, from the System screen, press Psion-A while Dialer.Opo is highlighted, set Modifier to None, and Button to Time. Leave Dialer running in background and press Time to switch to it. If you have more than one .Opo loaded, press Time to cycle between them. Profile Notes Dialing profiles are stored in \OPD\DIALER.DBF and include sample profiles for home, office, and away. Default Profile is stored in ?SETUP record. Dialer ignores the settings in the System screen and uses its own setup. Dialer Profile Description: Use Modem/Spkr/Voice: Changes dialing method to Modem/Speaker/Voice/None Local Area Code: Local area code(s) i.e. 404-,770- If your Data file uses (404) or 404. make sure it matches your entries exactly. If you have duplicates for local/long distance, you can now delete the local number. Dialer will dtrip the code automatically. Local Calls Need AC: If local calls require the area code without the long distance prefix, 1-, set this to Yes. This is common in cities with multiple area codes. Local Access Prefix: If your office requires a 9, to dial out or *70 to turn off Call Waiting. This can be temporarily disabled by pressing P from Dialer. Long Distance Prefix: The prefix used if dialing a non-local number Long Distance Suffix: Some companies require a special code after dialing Calling Card Prefix: Include all dialout codes as when On, this overrides all other prefixes. Calling Card Suffix: Use a , for a one second pause, or, if using 3FAX, a W to wait for the next tone. Voice Mail Access: Include all dialout codes when entering codes and passwords to check your Voice Mail by pressing Z. If you make changes to a profile you must reopen it, O, to load your changes. If you make changes to Setup, SpeedDial, or Call List, exit Dialer & restart. Setup Notes ?SETUP - Numeric separator (needed to calculate long distance codes) \dat\*.dbf Databases to include (set to \DAT\DATA.DBF to speed search) 1st 1st - searches fields 1 & 2 All - searches top 10 fields AT EOQ1S11=60 Modem init string 3Fax Type of modem being used to dial (3Fax/Hayes) Home,Work,Fax,Car,Page Field titles in database (requires  symbol) Home - Atlanta Default profile name Log All/Log/Note/Edit/Both/None All - Logs all calls to \OPD\PHONELOG.TXT Log - Only logs calls from "To Dial" list Note - Logs all calls and stamps result Edit - Opens record in data file automatically Both - Opens record in data file & logs all calls Database Notes We recommend the following format for entering records in the database. Fields labels must have a telephone symbol, space, and description. The descriptions used by Dialer are Home, Work, Fax, Car, and Page. Sample entry: Name: Walker, Steve  Work: 404-555-1212,,,123 Also dials extension 123 after a 3 second pause  Home: 770-999-9990 If you have created two Work #s in your database (by pressing Shift-Enter), Dialer will only Dial the 1st one. The exception is if you select "List" as the dial location. Say you have a list of movie theatres stored together as one record in your database (just ignore field names). Type in the theatre name, select "List" in the Where box, and press enter. Sample entry: Name: Movie Theatres  Work: 816-4262 AMC  Home: 248-0624 Odeon Address: 451-4570 Drive-in Notes: 800-233-0338 Lenox This is so you can group similar numbers in one record: Medical, Banking, Utilities, Computing, BBSs, Air Travel, Ground Travel, Security, Shopping, Hotels, Emergencies, Restaurants, Library, Mail, Movies, News, Sports, etc. Usage Notes Dialer defaults to the work # between the hours of 8 and 6 and to the home # on weekends and after hours. When using the speaker, hold the Psion 1 inch away from the phone mouthpiece. It also work by placing the Psion on a soft mat and holding the mouthpiece 1 inch over the keyboard. Dialer can send the following touch tone codes: 123456789*0#. ()-+ and are ignored. A comma will issue a 1 second pause. W (modem dialing only) will wait for a second dial tone before continuing. i.e. 9,950-1022W0-404-351-1055W407# If you press N for Next after SpeedDialing a number, the full record will be found if it exists in the database. European users take note. Dialer senses long distance numbers, adding the appropriate prefix and suffix, by counting the number of numeric separators. Europeans often use a space or a period while Americans use a dash. If a number has more than one separator, it is considered a long distance number, unless the area code matches local area codes specified in ?SETUP. U.S. Example: If your local area codes are 404- and 770- 210-555-1111 is long distance 555-12-12 is long distance 1-404-555-1212 is long distance and will add another 1- 404-555-1212 is local European Example: If your local area code is 331. 331.5555.12.12 is long distance 331.5555.1212 is local 33.5555.1212 is long distance 5555.1212 is local To dial international numbers, create a profile called International, and set Long Distance prefix to 011- (etc). Leave your local area codes unchanged so you can still dial local numbers while in international mode. If enough users register, Protronics will release a European version. Modem Notes The Series 3, which can't create DTMF signals, can now use a modem to dial. If you use a fax/modem after using the modem to place a call, be sure you software issues an "ATZ" to initialize the modem. If this fails, try sending an "AT E1 Q0". When connecting a new modem to the Psion be sure you have a null modem connector between the 3Link and your modem. To adjust the speed at which the modem dials, adjust Delay time in the System Dial settings. Command Notes Key Description - CAPS indicate a default --- ----------- A About Displays info about Dialer & shows current Profile C Calling Card on/OFF Be sure to set up calling card # in each profile by pressing Q When On, calling card overrides all prefixes so include them in your cc codes. D Dial/Callback List Esc aborts Enter saves/dials Note: pressing Esc will not save data, Enter will save Enter names and/or numbers of people you wish to call. Highlight entry to dial and press Enter Enter on blank line saves but does not dial E Edit last contact dialed Opens Data to last contact dialed F Find contact & dial G Find next & dial H Open DIALER.HLP in editor I Inclusive search on/OFF Find searches 1st & 2nd fields (usually Company & Name) when inclusive off. When on, it searches ten fields & is slower. L Open phone log search & view View and search the history of your calls M Modem Selects modem to dial telephone N New Record Adds a new record to most recent data file used O Open Profile Select the profile to use for calling Press Q to edit details about a Profile in Data where you can add/change/delete. P Prefix ON/off Turns the dialing prefix on or off Q Open DIALER.DBF and go to Setup (see Setup Notes/Profile Notes) This file contains your profiles, dialer config, speed dial codes, and callback list. Press Esc twice and then Enter to browse through each record. Field labels correspond only to profiles and not to ?SETUP. See Users Guide or DIALER.TXT for more info on how to use the Data app. R Redial last number called S Speaker Selects modem to dial telephone U Manual Dial Allows U to manually dial the phone V Voice Selects voice to speak number aloud W Where to call As Open Profile lets you select the origin of your call (car/home/office/etc) changing your prefixes & suffixes, Where lets you select the destination of your call (home/work/fax/car/ pager/list) affected the number dialed. This option can be changed temporary under Find. X eXits the program Z VMail 0 No Dial Puts Dialer into silent mode 2-9 SpeedDial codes To edit, press Q and search for "SpeedDial" Customization Notes If you use the program, send $25 and your e-mail id and we will send you all of our other Psion utilities. 499 Northside Circle #420 Atlanta GA 30309 USA If your Psion database doesn't meet our specifications, we will send you a utility that can automatically reorganize it IF YOU REGISTER. You will also get very cool futuristic wave recordings to play back numbers in Voice mode. Dialing is limited to a 60 digit maximum. If you have special needs, such as a different data structure, drop us a note and we can customize a version for you (often for the price of the registration you are about to drop in the mail). Send us a $25 registration fee, and you will receive all of the above products via e-mail over the Internet (uuencoded) or CompuServe (zipped). If we receive interest, we are willing to release a special version of Dialer for the visually impaired. We are in the process of redesigning Dialer into a full-fledged contact manager while keeping it under 50KB. Let us know of any features you'd like to see to make it more useful. International users may register via CompuServe (GO SWREG ID#: 2371) Registered users get free Dialer updates for the life of the product. Protronics USA 499 Northside Circle, Suite 420, Atlanta GA 30309-2112 Psion Utils (c)1995 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544 Psion Utils (c)1995 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544