Dirdir: list filenames, filesize, date, time & attributes This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You may use the source code for whatever you like. Disclaimer: Use this program at your own risk. Compuserve: Rolf Aeschbacher [100116,3357] E-Mail: 100116.3357@compuserve.com Use CTRL-S (Strg-S on German machines) to pause the output. Examples: - get all spreadsheet files: enter .spr at 'Match string' - contents of the WRD directory: enter \wrd\ at 'Match string' - get all read only files: match attributes, set 'Read Only' to yes, the other three lines to 'Ignore' If you need a sorted list, select 'output to file', load that file into Word, select all lines, open a new spreadsheet, and use 'bring' to import the selected text. Then select the lines in the spreadsheet and use Sort to sort the lines. You can sort by filename, size, time, date and attributes. Sorting in the spreadsheet needs much RAM: With 220 KB free I was able to sort just over 300 filenames. Note: in the spreadsheet the backslash \ must not be at the beginning of a line because that would repeat the string to fill the field.