Read Me.txt @@/1>0@@@>@TEXTttxtsL\-\Drug dosage calculator This program was written by an anaesthetist with an interest in paediatrics. It can be used as a simple calculator for paediatric anaesthetic drug dosages. Pressing the 'Diamond' key swaps screens. Starting to type any calculation will bring up a simple 4 function calculator. Esc will send it away again. Install the DOSES.OPA in the APP directory and the DOSES.ICN in the ICN directory (or create one). I use a Mac so I havn 't written a PC install macro since it is absurdly simple to install in the appropriate areas using PSION Link. Once the two files are in the right place, press Psion I to install and away you go! This is shareware - Please send 5 (Sterling) to me and I will mail any updates. John Pateman MA FRCA, 1, Harlech Close, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 3QS, UK eMail for comments, criticisms etc. to}hno 2CRgk~Pj(&h Read Me.txtTEXTttxtTEXTttxt\-sLJ2 .4A~jP&m!D^s6\$(pVDJhnf0fJ(pl2CRgv; W X-2rhTs6K`$ ^-[6K\pO>.{$ G f  2A^2styl A,